Good news for Connecticut Homeowners wanting to go green! This is an opportunity to save on installation of your new furnace or boiler and then save in your utility bills every month, while being able to feel good about helping our environment!!! The State of Connecticut offers a furnace rebate o...
Are you ready for a large check from the federal government to help you out during your first year of homeownership? You could buy a home (must close before July 1, 2009) in 2009 and apply your tax credit on your 2008 taxes! If your timing is good, you could receive your refund check before yo...
There is nothing wrong with buying a for sale by owner house -- just make sure you hire a very strong agent to help you do it! Some FSBOs have something to hide, as the account below shows.My favorite for sale by owner story goes like this: I listed a for sale by owner who could not sell their ho...
The Newington single-family home market has 74 properties available, with asking prices ranging from $149,900 for a 2-bedroom Bungalow (956 sf, fp, 1 bath, 2-car garage in need of repairs, .19 acre) to $564,900 for a 6-year-old Colonial (2,294 sf, fp, 3-bedrooms, 2.1 baths, Central Air, fp, grani...
How many popular neighborhoods are there in West Hartford? Different people would argue for all of them! Webster Hill provides an elementary school within walking distance for most students (Conard High School is also just a few steps away for most). Also close by are West Hartford Center, the No...
Currently, there are 83 3-family houses for sale in New Britain, Connecticut (as of 2/21/2008). Listed prices range from $345,000 to $138,000, with the average price (median) at $259,000.In 2007, there were 76 sales of 3-family houses in town. Buyers paid prices ranging from $335,000 to $120,000 ...
LAST YEAR -In February 2007, the citizens of West Hartford were concerned. They received new assessments from the town as a result of revaluation - many people seeing a doubling of their assessment (The state requires assessments every four years, but West Hartford managed a seven-year hiatus, fr...
It seems that half the 3-family houses I show no longer have a garage standing on the property; they have been knocked down, with only a slab remaining in the back yard like a dinosaur footprint. The other half have a garage still standing (although some have a definite lean to them).Most often o...
How often have you heard a seller remark, "I haven't raised their rent in 5 years because they are such GOOD Tenants! They always pay their rent on time and never give me any hassle." The tenant version, "The landlord hasn't raised the rent, so we hate to move, but he is never here and never fixe...
Sometimes investors, in their quest for the "best price," lose sight of their long-term goal. For most investors, a very low vacancy rate, a strong pool of potential tenants, and the ability to raise rents more than average every year are all important priorities as they strive to improve the per...