real estate el paso texas: Is the election and the delay of property tax notices planned? - 04/25/09 05:20 AM
I was just reading the reviews of Mayor Cooks state of the city address. So some are to think the address was timed to benefit his reelection. While this blog is not supporting any mayoral candidate, I am wondering if the Central Appraisal District’s mailing of the Notices of appraised value are also late to benefit the election. Will we not get the overdue and long awaited for envelopes until after the election? Surely not. I have not heard anyone addressing the state of property taxes as they are. Plans are not to increase taxes but will be see significant increases … (1 comments)

real estate el paso texas: Don't wait for stimulus dolllars to buy a new house in El Paso Texas!! - 01/25/08 09:43 AM


Cynthia Morris


El Paso, TX

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