bankruptcy: Loan Workouts on Mortgages
- 12/08/14 01:46 AM
LOAN WORKOUTS IN Texas Helping Protect Your Home Residents throughout the DFW and the greater part of North Texas have not been immune from the harsh economic climate that enshrouds our country. From predatory lending and subprime loans to job insecurity and unforeseen misfortune, there are a number of various reasons why homeowners throughout the region may be facing negative financial repercussions and foreclosure. If you are one of the many homeowners facing foreclosure, at risk of foreclosure, behind on your payments, or struggling with an underwater loan, then this is your opportunity to find the bold, experienced assistance you need to defend against
bankruptcy: Questions to Ask Yourself If You Might Need Foreclosure Prevention
- 12/08/14 01:27 AM
IS BANKRUPTCY RIGHT FOR YOU? Defining Your Needs & Goals While considering bankruptcy is no easy process, the experience can be completed more easily and more effectively with the assistance of a Dallas bankruptcy attorney from Richard Weaver & Associates. Whether you are still in the initial stages of exploring your available debt relief options or are entirely uncertain about bankruptcy being right for you, our legal team is here to guide you toward the best, most viable decision for your unique situation. As part of this process, our attorneys make it a point to listen to your story, understand the struggles you've been
- 12/08/14 01:24 AM
Facts You Need to Know and Myths You Need to Unlearn As with many seemingly complex legal actions, bankruptcy is surrounded by numerous myths, misconceptions, and misinformation. Often perpetuated by word of mouth, these myths can spell disaster for people who wish to explore bankruptcy as a form of much-needed debt relief. Knowing that our clients depend on facts to aid them in their early decision-making process, our DFW bankruptcy attorneys have made the effort to compile and debunk some of the most common bankruptcy myths and misconceptions we hear from our clients. Bankruptcy is a sign of failure. Absolutely false. Although this myth may
bankruptcy: Bankruptcy Attorney and Debt Settlement Options
- 12/03/14 03:34 PM
CREDITOR HARASSMENT LAWYER IN Orlando Protecting Your Rights Consumers grappling with debt and financial uncertainly often experience a number of collateral repercussions. Among these, debt collection can pose the most serious threat to your personal and financial well-being. If you are one of the millions of Americans who faces the daily reminder of your problems with debt by having to endure debt collection, then you should be aware that you have rights. Although creditors and debt collectors have the right to pursue the money they are owed, they do not have the right to collect from you using any type of unfair, deceptive,
bankruptcy: Strategic Mortgage Default Through Ch 7 Bankruptcy
- 11/10/14 07:47 PM
When is it Time to Walk Away If Your Mortgage is Underwater? For many homeowners finding themselves underwater on their mortgage, it could be a surprise to them to learn just how big of a segment of the homeowner population are in the same boat. It is an embarrassing situation, and for this reason, some homeowners put their head in the sand, simply ignoring the problem. By doing this, they sometimes stop communicating with family, friends, and importantly, they stop communicating with the lender or other professionals such as attorneys who could possibly help them. But even those many face similar situations, the time can come when a homeowner
bankruptcy: Is Filing Bankruptcy Worth It to Stop Foreclosure?
- 11/10/14 07:32 PM
Many people are unaware of the amount of people who have been forced into bankruptcy all around them. From every walk of life you will see people who are being put into difficult situations. With the number one reason to file bankruptcy based on medical reasons, it is no surprise that people are not aware in some cases that folks around them have been through difficult times while putting on a brave face. Some of the major causes of foreclosure which can then be shielded and resolved potentially with a bankruptcy filing include: - Medical problems. - Job