hers: Public Utilities Utilizing HERS Index Scoring to Identify Performance - 11/29/12 09:20 AM

In achieving energy efficiency and accomplishing higher utilization of renewable/alternative energies under the guidelines set forth in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 the public utilities have a mandate to assist the public being served. Our Federal Government is doing what it is supposed to be doing for the advancement of the greater good with regard to SUSTAINABILITY.
Louisville Gas & Electric and Kentucky Utilities (LG&E and KU), headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, is the first utility company in the United States to utilize the RESNET EnergySmart Program. The company, which owns and operates Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky … (0 comments)

hers: Building Code Jurisdictions Adopting HERS Index Score - 10/23/12 03:26 AM

U.S. Department of Energy, June 2012:New Mexico has amended the 2009 IECC to allow a HERS Index Score as an option to the prescriptive compliance path. The state has also adopted an amendment that determines climate zones based on altitude in addition to the the DOE latitude map.
There is growing momentum among building code jurisdictions and regional utilities to adopt a standardized means by which to measure residential dwelling energy consumption (performance, a.k.a. cost of operation). The HERS rating has emerged as that standard providing a stadardized measurment of the overall performance of a building as an integrated system … (1 comments)

hers: H.E.R.S. Explained - 07/18/12 08:27 AM

The acronym H.E.R.S. is now being seen with increasing frequency. It stands for Home Energy Rating System.
The Gainesville Alachua County Association of Realtors is now including the ability to record the H.E.R.S. index (now recognized by the Department of Energy) as well as virtually all other modern GREEN features for a residential dwelling in the Multiple Listing System (MLS) as it directly relates to the efficiency of the dwelling. Efficiency relates to performance and performance relates to cost of ownership and indoor environmental quality and it all relates to value.

In a recent Gainesville Sun article (read it … (1 comments)


Dave Gibbs

Broker Assoc, e-PRO, ABR, Green

Gainesville, FL

More about me…

Coldwell Banker M.M. Parrish Realtors

Address: Gainesville, FL

Mobile: (352) 318-0811

  • Dave Gibbs is a licensed real estate Broker Associate in Gainesville Florida. A degree in Finance & Marketing from Tulane University with advanced professional credentials as an Accredited Buyer's Representative, an E-Pro Certified Realtor and a GREEN Designated Realtor. Dave assists Buyers and Sellers of real estate and is focused on sustainable living.

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