lease options: A Review of Lease Option and Lease Purchase Scenerios - 04/28/11 09:02 AM
A lease purchase is typically a lease with an agreement to purchase at some point in the future. They are frrequently also referred to as lease options. One or two years in the future for the purchase is typical. There is normally some consideration paid for the option to purchase in the future.
In most cases, a lease purchase is utilized because the buyer is not in an immediate position to finance a home, and they would like to establish an option to buy at some future date. In the current economy, there are many people who don't qualify for financing, … (4 comments)

Paddy Deighan MBA JD PhD, Paddy Deighan J.D. Ph.D (

Paddy Deighan MBA JD PhD

Paddy Deighan J.D. Ph.D

Vail, CO

More about me…

Address: 770, Potato Patch Dr, Vail, COLORADO, 81657

Office: (877) 557-9669

Mobile: (949) 701-2192

Author Bio: Paddy Deighan earned his Juris Doctorate and PhD Paddy consults with taxpayers in regard to tax liens, tax levies, tax levy, offer in compromise, tax debt, tax settlement

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