Denise Says - Coaching & Advice for Real Estate Agents

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Education & Training - The Lones Group, Inc.
Join Denise Lones each week as she looks at the world of real estate and the world at large from customer service to the importance of listing presentations in a one-on-one style. Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a successful agent, broker, trainer and coach. Denise is someone in the know when it comes to real estate.



Important Questions To Ask About Your Business At least every year - even better if you can do it more often - you should take a moment to step back and think about your business. These questions can lead to changes in your business plan (you have a business plan, right?) but they can also help ...
The 2018 Real Estate Success Summit: Inspirational Agents I have spent over twenty years as a real estate coach, helping real estate agents build their businesses. I've been an agent, a managing broker, a trainer and a coach. Each agent I have met is unique and each does their best work when the...
The Snooze Button People are always thinking about resolutions this time of year. Most often, a resolution means that someone wants to change something about themselves. Whether that be going to the gym and drinking more water, not snapping at one's kids, or even upping their game in their busin...
The Grass is Not Greener - Water Your Lawn and Reap the Benefits! It is not even the end of the first week of January and already I have had NUMEROUS agents contact me to ask if they should sign up for the "latest and greatest" online marketing lead generation program. Sales people are out in fo...

Denise Lones

CSP, MIRM, CDEI - Real Estate Coaching & Branding
local_phone(360) 527-8904
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Join Denise Lones each week as she looks at the world of real estate and the world at large from customer service to the importance of listing presentations in a one-on-one style. Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a successful agent, broker, trainer and coach. Denise is someone in the know when it comes to real estate.