real estate coach: Tariffs, Real Estate, and You
- 02/14/25 01:47 PM
Tariffs, Real Estate, and You Tariffs are back in the public consciousness in a big way since our newly elected President Trump has begun using them to drive policy. For my longtime viewers, you know I am not for the left- politician or the right- politician. I am for smart government decision making. However, today I am leaving politics off the table and I just want to focus on tariffs, how they affect the housing market, and a timeline for how quickly they may impact homebuyers. So, I first want to explain why we should be concerned about tariffs in the
real estate coach: A Conversation with John Wilson, King County Assessor
- 01/31/25 09:54 AM
A Conversation with John Wilson, King County Assessor This week, instead of my usual Zebra Report, I'd like to share with you an important interview that I recently held with Washington State King County Assessor, and long-time friend, John Wilson. John and I go back many, many years and I've had the honor of getting to know him and witnessing the work that he has done. Here in the State of Washington right now we are experiencing a crisis in housing. We have never before seen the challenges that we are seeing today. Homelessness has been on the rise, safety in
real estate coach: You Need an Edge
- 01/17/25 10:41 AM
You Need an Edge I get asked this same question every year, "Denise, why are you so passionate about doing an entire analysis of everything: real estate, housing legislation, new construction, jobs, transportation, migration, infrastructure, and more?" The answer is simple. When you know more, you are able to share more. When you are educated about things related to our occupation - and real estate affects and is affected by nearly everything - you have an edge. That's why I do it. I do it so you and my clients can have an edge over the competition and serve your clients
real estate coach: A Different Perspective on Business Planning for 2025
- 01/10/25 09:09 AM
A Different Perspective on Business Planning for 2025 It is the beginning of 2025! Hopefully, you have done some business planning and have some things you want to achieve by the end of the year. Most real estate agents focus their business plans on some sort of growth - growth in transactions, growth in commission dollars, and growth in the amount of free time they have due to more-efficient processes. However, when was the last time you focused on quality and your "why"? It is natural to want more, but sometimes having more in one area means having less in another.
real estate coach: It's Real Estate Business Planning Season
- 12/06/24 10:14 AM
It's Real Estate Business Planning Season This time of year, I can hear the rustle of new business planners, the click of gel pens getting ready to jot down long to-do lists, and the mouse clicks of shoppers on Amazon finding new organization systems. Planning for a new year is exciting! Essentially, we get to wipe the slate clean and begin again - for agents who didn't have a great 2024, this is a welcome thought. But I have another perspective to consider - the real estate agent who needs to do a minimum of business planning every year. Why? Because
real estate coach: The Most Important Trait Agents Need to Succeed
- 11/22/24 10:16 AM
Personal Self-Discipline The single most important trait a real estate agent has to master isn't great selling skills, it's not being able to show a house, and it's not being able to do a great listing presentation. Don't get me wrong, all these things are useful skills that will improve your business. The single most important trait is personal self-discipline. We get in our own way, preventing our own business from growing. We don't have systems that are working because we are missing the personal self-discipline to create them, engage with them, delegate them, and more. Personal self-discipline is something I
real estate coach: The Election is Over - What's Next for Housing?
- 11/08/24 10:26 AM
The Election is Over - What's Next for Housing? It has been an interesting few days, weeks, months, and even years leading up to the election this week. Depending on whether you have been cheering for team red or blue, you may be celebrating, welcoming in a new era, a bit bewildered, or even accepting and looking ahead. As a real estate professional and steward of homebuilders in this country, my first inclination when anyone is running for any office that has an impact on housing is to determine what their mission is pertaining to it. Housing is currently flirting
real estate coach: Consistent Action Creates Results
- 10/25/24 09:12 AM
Consistent Action Creates Results I've worked with thousands of agents over the past three decades and every agent experiences a market or a time in their career where business isn’t coming in at the pace that would keep them comfortable. When agents don’t have enough business in their hands, it’s usually because they aren’t consistently investing effort into paths for growth. Today's message is about creating that consistency. It's about having faith that your actions will lead to result. It's about moving your business story forward whether that's through mailing campaigns, staying in touch with past clients, or by daily
real estate coach: Are You Buying Real Estate Leads?
- 10/11/24 11:07 AM
Are You Buying Real Estate Leads? I get it. It has been a tough couple of years for real estate agents. Transactions are down, which has impacted most real estate agents. But what I hate to see during this time is agents abandoning their lead generation strategies because they aren't getting the results they want. They are blaming the lead generation method when the real culprit is currently the real estate market. If a lead generation method has otherwise been proven - because it has worked for others, worked in that market, and should very well work again when transactions
real estate coach: Luxury Home Features, On Tour
- 09/27/24 02:27 PM
Northwest MLS #2281152, Listed by Aimee Mills, Windermere RE North, Inc. Luxury Home Features, On Tour Wow did I have an incredible opportunity to go on tour of one of the nicest and well-built homes that I have seen in 20 years. This home was in Redmond and I had the opportunity to both tour it and bring my real estate coaching group, Encore, along too! When I say this home was well-built, spectacularly memorable - I'm not just saying it's just a beautiful design style and landscaping. A beautiful luxury home is a home that when you arrive at the
real estate coach: Mastering the Buyer Brokerage Compensation Conversation
- 09/12/24 10:52 AM
Mastering the Buyer Brokerage Compensation Conversation Mastering the Buyer Brokerage Compensation Conversation with Both Sellers and Buyers Since August 17th, new rules have been in effect regarding Buyer Brokerage Compensation, I have been keeping up on new issues that are cropping up across the country: Listing agents are trying to determine creative ways to share the compensation their seller is offering that does not require them to be on the phone, explaining it again and again for buyer agents wanting to show the property. Real estate companies are pursuing potential buyers, enticing them to get out of their signed buyer
real estate coach: Lost Control of Your Summer?
- 08/16/24 10:06 AM
Lost Control of Your Summer? I have talked with a number of agents lately who feel that they entered the summer with the best of intentions, but got derailed by chaotic transactions, life, and vacation time that took them out of their element. Now that it is mid-August and their to-do lists remain largely undone, they want to feel that they have accomplished something. Does this sound like you? Regardless of whether you had ambitions to revamp your listing presentation, start a geographical farm, plan a client event, or even repainting your bedroom, there is still time to make progress!
real estate coach: Letting Go and Learning to Delegate
- 07/23/24 12:38 PM
Letting Go and Learning to Delegate When I first started selling real estate, I was a young "whipper-snapper" who wanted to set the entire industry on fire. I had it all planned. I was going to be the Number One real estate agent in America - no, the WORLD! - and I was going to do it alone. Being young and naïve, I truly believed I didn't need anyone else. I wanted to do everything myself. I wasn't going to ask anyone for help. I wanted to be successful and thought that the definition of success was doing it all
real estate coach: Don't Chase Rates, Create Opportunities
- 07/12/24 09:49 AM
Don't Chase Rates, Create Opportunities Today I want to give you a market reality check. So, recently, agents have been telling me that they are getting frustrated because the feds are not reducing interest rates. Now, here's the reality check: I don't want any agent out there to ever have to wait for any government agency to do something in order for you to be able to thrive in this business. It is critically important to know that there are tons of buyers out there that want to buy. They cannot let interest rates stop them. They need to buy!
real estate coach: Three Real Estate Formulas You Need to Know
- 06/21/24 09:01 AM
Three Real Estate Formulas You Need to Know I don't know how much you remember about high school math, but I can assure you that I have never once used the quadratic formula in my day-to-day life or as a real estate agent. I haven't had to find the cosine of an angle or determine the slope of a hyperbolic graph. However, there are some formulas that I use on a very regular basis. Even though anyone can use Google to find a calculator that can quickly calculate what you need, understanding these three simple formulas and how to calculate
real estate coach: New Opportunities to Expand Your Expertise
- 06/17/24 11:00 AM
New Opportunities to Expand Your Expertise What an amazing year it has been so far for our ENCORE coaching members! We have just completed our 7-month course around the ADU and Middle Housing changes and challenges that are coming to Washington State in the coming years due to House Bills 1337 and 1110. We have taken a deep dive on what constitutes an ADU, where to find information on ADU potential, how to learn more about how the ADU situation is being handled in local jurisdictions, and most-importantly, how to price and market ADUs depending on the buyer demographics. Our
real estate coach: Where Is Your Listing Inventory?
- 06/07/24 10:01 AM
Where Is Your Listing Inventory? This week I want to talk about lack of inventory. We have moved into this beautiful season where people are spending more time outside, the weather is gorgeous, and they are starting to do their yardwork. Many of them are starting to think, "Hmm, maybe this could be the time when I sell my house." We are going to see a late spring, a strong summer, and a very robust fall. That said, I know already that many agents are thinking, "Where are we going to get all this inventory from?" Well, we are not
real estate coach: Need Inspiration and Results?
- 05/31/24 09:11 AM
Need Inspiration and Results? When was the last time you were inspired by something new that you learned for your business? Something that actually got you from thinking, something you could implement that would drive your business forward? Maybe something that took you away from investigating online and took you toward experiencing a real-life example? Last week, I took the members of my Encore coaching groups to Floor & Decor in Everett to review all aspects of flooring and surfaces. We had already reviewed a number of principles prior to our field trip, so our members were prepared with a
real estate coach: Take an Election Year Media Diet
- 05/10/24 02:21 PM
Take an Election Year Media Diet Today I'm talking about diets. Not a fun word! However, we all need to go on a media diet right now and be very careful about what we are looking at, reading, listening to, watching on TV and consuming from the internet. I'm telling you, right now, we need to go on a media diet because not all the media that you are watching and listening to is healthy or good for you. Just like how too much sugar isn't good for your body, too much fat is no good - too much news
real estate coach: Barriers in Your Business
- 04/26/24 12:18 PM
Barriers in Your Business If your business is not where you want it to be, it is because one or more barriers are keeping you from achieving this new level of success. Many business owners feel stuck at one point or another, but they don't take the time or have the perspective to determine the cause of the gridlock. If you know a more-successful business is in your grasp and want to breakthrough, here are 5 steps you can take to begin to remove those barriers: Step 1: Know Where You Are Going It is difficult to determine the obstacles