Central Ohio Real Estate News and Views

Managing Real Estate Broker - Full Circle Property Management



Got any ideas to help me? I am using Advanced Access and I am tired of the poor service, slow emails, and constant nondelivery of promises and returned calls. I am really tired of paying for crap, so if you know of a good website that your company uses that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, could yo...
In my last blog I explored the who part of this equation by answering the question "Who buys a condo", and now I would like to address the why part. So whyy buy a condo anyway? Why not just rent? Good questions and tough to answer but let me explain it to you. I own a refrigerator, and in that re...
For many people John Bearden was the face of GMAC Real Estate. With his powerful demeanor, his candid speaking, and his unshakable spirit in the face of tough times for GM, GMAC, and real estate in general, he was an impressive leader. He lead us through the many changes of the industry and the m...

Dennis Swartz

MBA, GRI...experience counts!
local_phone(614) 538-1717
smartphone(614) 214-6601
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