highlands ranch real estate: Real Estate Wealth and Saving For Retirement? - 06/13/08 01:39 AM
Here's a shocker...take your present age and subtract it from 67.(Mine is 67 - 47 = 20 years)That means I have 20 years left until retirement age - what's yours? To most Americans, amazingly - even if you DON'T have a dime saved right now - you can easily retire wealthy if you can just start a monthly savings/investment plan now! Here's all you need to save per month to become a millionaire in 20 years...Savings start date: 7-1-2008Balance on start date: $0 Number of years to save: 20 Rate of return: 8%To earn: $250,000 You will need to save (deposit) … (3 comments)

highlands ranch real estate: Summer Buying & Selling Trends of 2008 - 05/24/08 09:21 AM
There are 4 new major "positive" trends in the Denver Colorado real estate market that both BUYERS and home SELLERS had better be aware of - if you are going to survive this summer buying and selling season! Read more about these at http://www.jeffboyce.net/First, it appears that many home SELLERS have decided to "not" take their Realtors advice to clean up, stage and make your remodeled/updated home look nice for incoming potential BUYERS. This in NOT the "sellers market" of 2005...and you are competing with about 2-3 times as many homes for sale in your neighborhood and surrounding subdivisions. Smelly pet … (0 comments)

highlands ranch real estate: Thank God For GOOD Credit Loans! - 05/21/08 02:48 AM
 Yes indeed - "Thank God" for those buyers who have good credit so they can keep our real estate market plugging along this summer selling season!You see, without good credit now (typically a 600+ mid-fico score to qualify for a FHA 30-Year fixed rate) our Littleton & Highlands Ranch real estate market would not be doing very well at all...nor would the rest of the Denver real estate market - or the whole national real estate market for that matter! Statistics show that around 24%-27% of all potential homebuyers in Denver now (and nationally) have lower credit scores and CANNOT qualify … (0 comments)

highlands ranch real estate: Is Denver Real Estate DEAD Without $0 Down Loans? - 03/29/08 01:52 PM
Why is it that with so many home buyers and home sellers and Denver want to put a "fork" and write-off Denver real estate? The reality is, when looking at the Denver MLS sales statistics for the 1st 2 1/2 months of 2007, that nearly 68% of the home sales - in MOST Denver suburban cities - are equal to or greater than what they were last year! How shocking! Yes - Denver real estate is not dead! It's actually thriving...The biggest problem right now is that many home buyers are having a tough time getting a loan to purchase their … (1 comments)

Jeff Boyce, Specializing in $0 Down Homes For Sale (HomeSmart - Cherry Creek)

Jeff Boyce

Specializing in $0 Down Homes For Sale

Denver, CO

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HomeSmart - Cherry Creek

Office: (303) 622-5700

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