littleton real estate: Real Estate Wealth and Saving For Retirement? - 06/13/08 01:39 AM
Here's a shocker...take your present age and subtract it from 67.(Mine is 67 - 47 = 20 years)That means I have 20 years left until retirement age - what's yours? To most Americans, amazingly - even if you DON'T have a dime saved right now - you can easily retire wealthy if you can just start a monthly savings/investment plan now! Here's all you need to save per month to become a millionaire in 20 years...Savings start date: 7-1-2008Balance on start date: $0 Number of years to save: 20 Rate of return: 8%To earn: $250,000 You will need to save (deposit) … (3 comments)

littleton real estate: Summer Buying & Selling Trends of 2008 - 05/24/08 09:21 AM
There are 4 new major "positive" trends in the Denver Colorado real estate market that both BUYERS and home SELLERS had better be aware of - if you are going to survive this summer buying and selling season! Read more about these at, it appears that many home SELLERS have decided to "not" take their Realtors advice to clean up, stage and make your remodeled/updated home look nice for incoming potential BUYERS. This in NOT the "sellers market" of 2005...and you are competing with about 2-3 times as many homes for sale in your neighborhood and surrounding subdivisions. Smelly pet … (0 comments)

littleton real estate: Thank God For GOOD Credit Loans! - 05/21/08 02:48 AM
 Yes indeed - "Thank God" for those buyers who have good credit so they can keep our real estate market plugging along this summer selling season!You see, without good credit now (typically a 600+ mid-fico score to qualify for a FHA 30-Year fixed rate) our Littleton & Highlands Ranch real estate market would not be doing very well at all...nor would the rest of the Denver real estate market - or the whole national real estate market for that matter! Statistics show that around 24%-27% of all potential homebuyers in Denver now (and nationally) have lower credit scores and CANNOT qualify … (0 comments)

littleton real estate: What is the Home Ownership Accelerator 7 Year Loan? - 05/02/08 04:09 AM
Is the HOME OWNERSHIP ACCELERATOR Loan the best loan in the United States today - and should you consider using it - to buy or refinance your home?There is a new mortgage loan available in Denver Colorado (and 41 other states) that combines the effectiveness of a 15 year mortgage loan - combines it with a home equity line of credit on your home - and then combines it with your checking that you can PAY OFF YOUR HOME IN 6-12 YEARS on average!!! The HOME OWNERSHIP ACCELERATOR Loan compounds interest DAILY, and can permit you to buy or refi … (1 comments)

littleton real estate: Why Isn't Your Home Selling FAST? - 04/19/08 11:48 PM
One of the biggest PROBLEMS in the Denver metro real estate area especially in the cities of Littleton, Aurora, Highlands Ranch, Parker, Arvada, and Lakewood is that your home stays listed for sale for 6 to 9 months without selling or getting a reasonably good price offer! But why is that happening?
The TOP 6 List of Seller ISSUES and classicla mistakes are:
1. Your home has NOT been updated, remodeled and/or looks poor - based upon it's list price (which is probably too high for the existing condition.)
2. Your home has poor looking paint, wall paper and/or bad carpet.
3. Your home is OVER … (1 comments)

littleton real estate: Denver Real Estate - NO MORE $0 Down Loans... - 04/11/08 07:25 AM
Well - it's going to be "sink or swim" for most Denver real estate, as ALL major national lenders have now canceled the last zero down financing loans (except for the VA 100% loan.)
The Denver housing market - and all other Denver Metro real estate is going to have to rely on the regular Conventional and FHA loans which require a minimum of 3% down to 5% down to purchase real estate now. For real estate brokers like myself, that have closed nearly $100 million worth of real estate business - I question whether our Denver real estate market is … (0 comments)

littleton real estate: GENIUS Idea To Fix Denver Real Estate and US Housing Problems! - 03/31/08 03:57 AM
What's the #1 Problem stopping Denver real estate and the other national real estate markets from booming again? 
The answer is - there are no more good Investor Loans!
Currently there are not enough buyers in the United States or in the Denver real estate market specifically, to purchase the entire outstanding extra inventory of homes.  Typically, one in 10 to one in 15 homes are purchased by real estate Investors nationally.  With the current mortgage mess and credit crunch, Investor Loans have nearly dried up or been wiped out completely.  If you want to STOP the oversupply of homes for sale - … (0 comments)

Jeff Boyce, Specializing in $0 Down Homes For Sale (HomeSmart - Cherry Creek)

Jeff Boyce

Specializing in $0 Down Homes For Sale

Denver, CO

More about me…

HomeSmart - Cherry Creek

Office: (303) 622-5700

Mobile: (303) 622-5700



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