lynden: My Book Meme with thanks to Deborah Pearce - 12/07/07 05:51 AM
How does an avid reader talk about his five favorite books?  I don't think I can choose five favorites.  I'v been reading for 60 years and may have thousands of favorites.  What I'll do, I think, is choose some recently read and some I think are notable.
Last night we had our monthly Book Group meeting.  This is a small private group.  Our first read was Dante Allighieri's Inferno.  We went on to read Purgatorio and will soon be going into Paradiso to complete the Divine Comedy.  Last night we talked a bit about the completion of our most recent book, The … (10 comments)

lynden: Coffee Boxes - 07/18/07 08:50 AM
Back when our youngest was going to College, to get summer money she worked at a drive through espresso stand.  She derogatorily called them  "coffee boxes" because little boxes is what they looked like.  Since that time, the drive throughs have gotten a little more creative in their design.  Here, without any editorializing about the design or the quality of the coffee (I prefer to go inside the places I buy my coffee.  I already spend way too much time in a vehicle.) are some photos of a few that I've come across over the course of a business week.

lynden: Dutch Treat - 06/21/07 04:57 AM
Yesterday I was doing an inspection in Lynden, Washington.  Lynden is a small town Northeast of Bellingham, Washington.  It was founded in the late 1800s by Dutch immigrants. Lynden, Washington is a very clean and well kept community. The downtown area looks like a little bit of Holland.

Lynden also has a unique entry.  The gateway to Lynden is, I believe, the only one anywhere that is flanked by a pair of cemeteries.
Lynden is also the home of the Whatcom County, Washington fair.  The permanent fair grounds occupies a large area on the South side of Front Street, the main drag of Lynden, Washington.
I … (4 comments)

David Helm, Bellingham, Wa. Licensed Home Insp (Helm Home Inspections)

David Helm

Bellingham, Wa. Licensed Home Insp

Bellingham, WA

More about me…

Helm Home Inspections

Address: 4186 Rural Avenue, Bellingham, Wa , 98226

Office: (360) 739-5751

Mobile: (360) 739-5751

My blogs offer a wide range of topics, from home inspection to cooking to woodworking to gardening to local area information and photos. I love talking about Bellingham, Washington and its surrounding area. Home inspection is my work; life is my passion.



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