arenac county michigan: Housing Commission - Public Hearing
- 02/17/11 02:26 AM
Housing commission to hold public hearing County residents will have the opportunity to give input on a plan that would use grant money to repair homes in Standish. The Arenac County Board of Commissioners and the Arenac County Housing Commission have scheduled a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, at the Arenac County Building, to review a grant application to the Michigan Development Block Grant Housing Program.
The public hearing is a requirement for receiving the grant. The housing commission received $126,300 in state Housing Fund Resource 2009 HOME, money that will go toward helping homeowners in Standish. The target (0 comments)
arenac county michigan: Wind Turbine Regulations
- 02/09/11 02:11 PM
Commissioners establish wind turbine regulations. Those seeking to construct an electricity producing wind turbine on their property in Arenac County will now have to comply with county inspection regulations. The Arenac County Board of Commissioners voted 4 - 1 to establish regulations regarding the construction of wind turbines within the county at its Jan. 1 meeting. The Board of Commissioners said the measure places the construction of turbines producing electrical energy within the jurisdiction of the county building department. The new regulations enacted by the commissioners require that a permit be purchased to construct a wind turbine, and that 2 inspections (2 comments)
arenac county michigan: AuGres Michigan, Bike Path Completed
- 12/12/10 12:39 AM
After originally being discussed by the AuGres City Council as an idea in 1996, and after construction which began more than 2 years ago, AuGres finally has its bike path. The newly completed path stretches from Main St. and travels to the mouth of the AuGres River. The path is estimated to be around 2.5 miles in length and cost approximately $350,000 to complete. The project was paid for thanks to money received from a $750,000 Michigan Economic Development Corp. grant, received in January, and 2, 2.0 percent allocation grants from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe. The most time consuming and (0 comments)
arenac county michigan: Arenac Soil Conservation District To Start Farmers Market Next Year
- 12/10/10 12:14 AM
The Arenac Soil Conservation District is in the beginning stages of organizing a farmers market for county residents. The administrator for the district received a lot of feedback from people saying they would like to see a market in the county. If enough local farmers express interest, then the district would like to begin the market in the spring or summer of 2011. The district has a 1.5 acre piece of property on East City Limits Rd. which it would use for the market. As far as what type of items would be sold at the market, the main focus would (0 comments)
arenac county michigan: Arenac County Fund Auction
- 12/08/10 05:01 AM
An auction held at Dunleavey's Eatery & Pub in AuGres, raised a total of $7,833 for the Arenac County Fund. Money for the fund was raised from the auction, a 50-50 raffle, donations from the Arenac County Fund board and donations from people in attendance. Dunleavey's has hosted the auction the past 8 years and was filled with people looking to bid on 80 items. The Arenac County Fund distributed grants to local organizations and schools, more than $80,000 in the last 10 years. To make a donation to the fund or to get more information, call 989-893-4438 and specify that (0 comments)
arenac county michigan: AuGres To Ask Senators To Support Harbor Maintenance Act
- 11/18/10 06:20 AM
The AuGres City Council will be sending letters to Michigan U.S. senators requesting their continued support for a Senate bill entitled the Harbor Maintenance Act of 2010. The letter will ask the senators to adopt legislation ensuring that money collected by the Harbor Trust Fund will be used for its intended purposes of maintaining Michigan's harbors and ports. AuGres is part of the Michigan Port Collaborative (MPC), which is organizing the effort. If the city does not take the time to show the importance of being a city with a harbor, the harbor may not exist. That is why AuGres is (0 comments)
arenac county michigan: AuGres City Council Approves Bid For Main Street Bike Path Project
- 08/07/10 04:10 PM
The AuGres City Council approved a $273,980 bid to create a bike path on Main Street leading from downtown AuGres to the mouth of the AuGres River. The money will come from the $750,000 Michigan Economic Development Corporation grant that the city received in January. The path will connect from US-23 to Main Street. This is a continuation of a project the city of AuGres is using the MEDC grant for. The addition of the path is part of a number of improvements added to S. Main St. Construction included the enclosing of a ditch on the east side of the (0 comments)
arenac county michigan: Walleye Tournament Comes to AuGres
- 07/29/10 03:34 PM
Walleye tournament comes to AuGres Michigan The Cabela's Masters Walleye Circuit is coming to AuGres August 6-8. The walleye fishing tournament will be held out of the AuGres Boating Access Site on the Saginaw Bay, where around 70 teams, equaling 150 anglers, will compete for the $11,900 1st place prize. The MWC has been in existence for 26 years and last visited the Saginaw Bay in 2008 when the tournament was held in Bay City. The 5 best fish from each team will be weighed each day and totaled to select a winner. An extra day is built into the schedule (0 comments)
arenac county michigan: AuGres Michigan Farm Market Opens Up
- 07/02/10 04:29 PM
AuGres farm market opens up. For the 3rd year in a row, the city of AuGres is hoping to grow some more popularity as they are getting ready to kick off their annual farm market. Ending Sept. 29th, the market will be hosted inside of the City Park at the pavilion, every Wednesday from 2-6 pm. Farm Market Master Eve Wressel said shoppers can expect to see a lot of fresh and new items for sale, unlike flea markets. AuGres City Manager said that she hopes to see people come on out to the Market. Arenac County Michigan State University Extension (1 comments)
arenac county michigan: AuGres River Set To Be Dredged
- 06/26/10 08:21 AM
Lovers of water sports on the AuGres River, can breathe a deep sigh of relief as the AuGres River is set to gain some depth. With parts of the river as low as less than 3 feet, the Faust Corporation of Saint Clair Shores will deepen the river to an average of 6 feet deep, from the US-23 Bridge to the mouth of the river where it enters the Saginaw Bay. The project will start 07/01/2010, and it is expected to end around 10/01/2010. With the company using big equipment, including a barge with an excavator on it, it will take (0 comments)
With the Sunrise Coast recently becoming a featured destination on the Pure Michigan web site, It's important that Arenac County do its part in joining forces with the rest of the northeast Michigan coastline as well as become more united within the county itself. For tourists who are coming up from downstate, or for those who are coming up from other parts of the county, Arenac County is the beginning of their experience of the Sunrise Coast. The weekend traffic is already starting to roll in, gearing up every one for the summer, and we need to (0 comments)
arenac county michigan: Habitat for Humanity, AuGres Area, Michigan
- 02/28/10 04:33 AM
Habitat for Humanity welcomes 3rd family For 1 woman and her family, the dream of living in a nice, safe environment has finally been realized thanks to those involved with Arenac County's Habitat for Humanity. On Sunday afternoon, friends, family, and those involved with Habitat for Humanity, gathered in a newly constructed home to welcome Terrilynn Lobdell and her daughters to their new house. Lobdell said she never expected she would be chosen for the house when she originally sent in the application, but she said she thought it wouldn't hurt to try. Lobdell's home is the 3rd house completed through (2 comments)
2 bedrooms / 1 bath / 5500 sq.ftsaginaw bay privileges / large lot
Saginaw Bay Vacation Home! Beautiful AuGres area, close to marina, shopping, restaurants, golfing, hunting and hiking in Arenac County. Large lot (231x99), 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath, lots of room for expansion (5500 sq.ft), unique opportunity to finish with your ideas. List of items purchased but not installed available. Lake privileges for dock, boating, fishing and swimming. Garage (48x28), a lot of potential for a little amount. For a private showing, contact Donald Horne at 800-628-7356 x 8065 or (0 comments)