marketing: The Torture of Stage Fright! - 01/23/08 06:50 AM
The human anxiety reaction begins almost automatically and includes clear physiological symptoms: a racing heart, sweating, stomach pains, even diarrhea. But the torture can stop! You can walk up to people confidently -- You can step forward and take the most incredible journey into Eliminate Fears of Public Speaking Getting ahead in Life and Business requires effective communications. Words alone will make you a fair communicator at best. Believing that what you say matters, while making a connection as one human being to another, whether you're speaking to one or thousands takes you from Good to Great. Great communicators don't restrict … (0 comments)

marketing: The Inner World of Perception Rules - 12/05/07 10:12 AM
Our perceptions are truths that rule our purchase behavior.   A perception may not be correct or follow any lines of what one would call logical reasoning.  Perceptions held, in the mind of our customers, are the realities of their vivid imagination sparked by fantasies of emotional experiences.  Simply put, there is mounting evidence that prospects and customers are basing many of their buying decisions on what they perceive to be right to them, regardless of rational or prudent thinking.
The shift from facts, versus the importance of perception, is in part due to the promotional activities of marketing communications and the tons … (0 comments)

marketing: How Savvy Marketers Get Free Web Traffic - 11/07/07 10:01 AM
Here is a stupid question that every marketer uses!  "Can you use more traffic to your websites?"    
Unless you are Google, Myspace, or eBay then the answer is Yes! Isn't it?
So please let me cut to the chase...
I just discovered a new online tool that generates viral traffic for you automatically, for as many websites as you want.  The most amazing thing is that it is FREE, yes FREE... and also you don't need to change much about what you already do.
I know it sounds too good to be true, but let me assure you...
- It's NOT some unethical or … (6 comments)

Don L. Price, Hypnotherapist (Don L. Price/Hypmovation Inc.)

Don L. Price


Burbank, CA

More about me…

Don L. Price/Hypmovation Inc.

Address: 101 W. Alameda Ave

Office: (818) 841-0581

We live in a world that can and is being transformed through human imagination; a world of mind, where at first, all things are only a concept, idea or image in the mind of a person.



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