real estate marketing: Moving On From Your Expired Listing - 03/09/11 07:10 AM
Louisville KY Real Estate - Selling Your Home This Next Time Around
So it's the morning after your home is taken off the market and your phone starts ringing off the hook. An hour later, there's a knock at the door. The next day, your mailbox starts to fill up with letters & postcards from local REALTORS®. A typical response to all this new found attention from Louisville real estate agents is "Where were they when my home was on the market?"
It's only natural to concern yourself over what kept your home from selling...what went wrong and why? Regardless how … (4 comments)

real estate marketing: Home Preparation...Don't Pull the Trigger Too Quickly! - 10/08/10 03:39 PM
Home Preparation...Don't Pull the Trigger Too Quickly!
"A good product delivered on time is better than a great product delivered late"...probably some of the worst advice I've received in my professional career. In the corporate world, I wouldn't support either option. Why not deliver a great product...on time!
When your home's listing goes active on the Louisville Multiple Listing Service (MLS), it will broadcast out to any potential buyer signed up to receive automatic market updates, as well as nearly 4,000 Louisville REALTORS®. Let's say that you just received one of these automatic updates. You open up the new listing … (1 comments)

real estate marketing: Real Estate Marketing...Enhanced Listings on - 09/30/10 04:35 PM
You've made it here to my blog post, so you're likely familiar with the increasingly powerful role the internet plays in the world of real estate marketing. Listings of homes for sale are available to potential home buyers around the clock where they can identify and select homes while in the privacy of their own living room!

According to the 2009 National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Homes Buyers and Sellers, 90% of all home buyers used the internet to search for homes at some point during their home buying process. To capitalize on this activity, my philosophy is to position your listing in … (6 comments)

real estate marketing: Real Estate Marketing and Your Home - 09/23/10 04:08 PM
Real Estate Marketing and Your Home...
How tight is the connection between real estate marketing and success in the timely sale of your home? In my experience, there is no room for separation between the two. As of today, September 23, 2010, there are 10,074 homes actively for sale in the Greater Louisville area's Multiple Listing Service. Of these, Jefferson County accounts for 6,289! How much of a role will real estate marketing play in getting your home the attention it deserves?

Now More Than Ever!
Not only do buyers today have one of the largest selections of homes to choose … (3 comments)




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