Chris Ward's (eaglerealty1) Blog

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Eagle Realty



by the way...its friday!  Get out there and enjoy the weekend...if as a realtor you never take time to relax and time for yourself to re-charge, then you will be burnout and be doing a diservice to your clients.  In reality, we are alswys working, always on cal, always prospecting and marketing o...
if you don't ask, they wont most of us know, but rarely practice...if you don't ask for business, there is a good chance you won't get it.  It is a common sense lesson, but not utilized in my experieicne, as much as it should be.  Every peron you meet or have contact with you should ask...
Buyers, Buyers, Buyers...come out, come out wherever you are!!Deals galore are going on here at teh beach and i would tend to bet around the country.  Welcome to the leveling off and to the shift into a Buyers Market...why not take the advantage.  In my office in Myrtle Beach, we have 3 different...
So i have seen some of my agents, and agents in other offices with the "sit & wait" attitude and mentality.  Waiting for that door to open, or that phone to ring, or that great email, all from that client who is going to make them rich for that this what being a REALTOR is all about?  I ...
is anyone else ready for the paperless revolution to hit full force in the real estate industry?  I know in certain markets it is coming very close, if not there...but in SC, we are far from it.  I look around my office and all i see is file drawers filled with paper, and i am faxing a deal right...
"A Picture is worth a 1000 words..."  Its so cliche, but so true.  Looking at a picture or work of art can create so many thoughts and word plays in your head about the story, the history, or the reason behind a picture, or maybe what was going on when taken or created, who did, why they did, whe...
So I tyhink i might title any of my blogs like this and go with teh "series" approach to blogging.  It keep a certain continuity to it and builds some branding in the blog so you know that when this is the title, who it is from and where it is from.As i searched through outside Real Estate books ...
I am defitently sad to hear about some of the ice storms and harsh winter weather around the country...of course, here at the beach in Myrtle beach SC, has been ridiculously summer like.  I am persoanlly a winter type person (love to ski), but i guess i can't deny liking a little 80 degree weateh...
Thisis just a thought i have had for a long time...i just want to remind the realtor community, as most of you know already, that land/property/real estate is a limited resource on our great Earth.  The great thing about this is that makes it a precious commodity.  Land/Real Estate is limited, wh...
Don't ever feel you are too young to buy...especially if your parents want to make a smart move too...buying while in college can give you a head start in your financial future and stability.  Giving you a base for your credit, teaching responsibility, and making you money in the long haul.  Also...

Chris Ward

local_phone(843) 281-2887
smartphone(843) 446-4835
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