zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 10.29.24 Paddy Deighan Lets Talk about AI - 10/29/24 06:18 PM
Zoom Call 10.29.24  Paddy Deighan Lets Talk about AI
The Zoom call this week was another moderated by our resident AI expert, Paddy Deighan.  It was more of a roundtable with those present offering up their comments and criticisms of experiences with AI and Paddy giving solutions based on his experiences.
It was good for those that are having issues trying to get the proper prompts or as Paddy called it, getting AI to understand who we are and get on the same page.
He spoke of the upgrades that Adobe has made to their AI platform to make it easier to manage and … (6 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call with Jan Green NAR's Sustainability Summit - 07/12/24 09:22 AM
Zoom Call with Jan Green NAR's Sustainability Summit
Jan Green made her presentation as a follow up to her presentation made at the recent conference.
She offered that there were 3 field trips each highlighting the efforts to build in cold climates with energy saving features. They toured the US Bank Stadium, Minneapolis Hilton, and the Convention center.
She liked the tour of the stadium for the size of the facility which can hold over 73,000 attendees depending on the event.
One of the features were the roof panels that were made of a special translucent material and the construction that allowed the water … (14 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 7/02/24 Paddy Deighan Using AI in our Business, 4 - 06/27/24 04:38 AM
Zoom Call Paddy Deighan  Using AI in our Business, 4
For anyone that has a curiosity about the use and value of Artificial Intelligence, AI, the weekly Zoom Calls that are offered by Paddy Deighan MBA JD PhD are missing a wonderful opportunity.
He is very generous with his time, and knowledge of AI, and not only does he answer questions about its use, but also has helped a couple of the attendees with their attempts.
As an example, Debe Maxwell, CRS  has gotten some help from Paddy Deighan with the use of AI to create promotional videos. Within less than 10 minutes, he … (16 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: ActiveRain is Still a Learning Platform - 06/07/24 05:23 PM
ActiveRain is Still a Learning Platform
There are many members of ActiveRain that have memories of the early days and the manner of teaching and information that was very common. While the transitions of ownership have taken much of the support staff and the heavy exchange of information.
There were sessions on learning how to get best SEO exposure for our blogs and also other venues.
Software that was available and much of it free and its value to us.
I can remember blogs in 2008-09 that offered assistance on the rise of short sales and how to get involved with the trend so as … (24 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call Paddy Deighan Using AI in our Business - 06/05/24 12:13 PM
Zoom Call Paddy Deighan  Using AI in our Business
Another Zoom call presented by Paddy Deighan MBA JD PhD and it was wonderful for the insights and tips he shared.
He spoke of software on the market called digital me, which has a value to us when understood and used correctly.
With the software, it would go through the blogs we have written, and everything else and within minutes, it has a knowledge of us that may be better than we know ourselves to be.
As an example, someone had put Paddy Deighan's name into an AI search and when it had done its search, … (8 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 5.21.24 Lynnea Miller NAR Legislative Update - 05/23/24 07:37 AM
Zoom Call  5.21.24   Lynnea Miller NAR Legislative Update
The blog presentation this week was given by Lynnea Miller who recently attended the NAR Legislative meetings in Washington, DC.  This was her first visit to a NAR meeting and she was sent by request of a new Oregon regional MLS. There was app 8,000 people that attended this gathering 
As she was not on any of the special committees that were meeting, she attended more of the general meetings as relates to MLS systems.
One of the sessions she attended was given by Trey Gowdy and Joe Cunningham, both former politicians who were consistent … (13 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 5.14.24 William Piotrowski Let's Talk Real Estate - 05/15/24 09:27 AM
Zoom Call  5.14.24 William Piotrowski Let's Talk Real Estate
The Zoom call this week was monitored and presented by William Piotrowski. The tone of this call was more of an exchange of information very similar to the conversations anyone in the business may have had with fellow professionals while on a break at a seminar.
There was some conversation on the lack of support by NAR and their focus being revenues received by them and the lack of ROI received by agents. Many feeling it continues to be a one-way street.
He then offered comments on an article of dis-information that was in the … (10 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 5.07.24 Debb Maxwell Handling Squatters and Other Like Issues - 05/08/24 06:15 AM
Zoom Call 5.07.24 Debb Maxwell Handling Squatters and Other Like Issues
The Zoom call this week was hosted by Debe Maxwell, and was on issues facing agents for which many are unprepared as not everything can be covered when taking real estate classes.
How does one react when we approach a listing and are confronted with people occupying a property that is supposed to be vacant? This is happening across the country and causing issues for property owners, and the agents that have been entrusted to sell those listings.
The squatter issue is something that is occurring all over the country and is not … (14 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: ActiveRain's Reconnection Challenge for April - 04/27/24 06:39 AM
ActiveRain's Reconnection Challenge for April
The personality of ActiveRain just 'Ain't what it Used to be', and for those that have been around for a while, it is missed. New members will see references to Raincamps and Meet-ups and have very little idea of the emotions in can conjure up for a lot of us.
It is essentially those feelings that are felt by those that sit in on a Zoom call.
Like Raincamps, Zoom calls carry discussions on a range of topics. and the underlying tone is a lot of friends again gathering, and even from afar, enjoying the closeness.
Over the calls this … (19 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 4.16.24 Cruisin' 'Round the World with John DL Arendsen - 04/18/24 11:29 AM
Zoom Call 4.16.24 Cruisin' 'Round the World with John DL Arendsen
Jules Verne wrote about traveling Around the World in 80 days as a wager amongst 'gentlemen" . The book and the novel captured imaginations and if only for a brief moment, people would wonder what that adventure would offer in the way of delights and sights to nourish the mind.
Technology has evolved and the Zoom call put all within that adventure if only for an hour and through the eyes of AR member John DL Arendsen.   From somewhere aboard the cruise ship Seven Seas Mariner of the Regency lines, John described … (21 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: How Mushrooms Saved My Life - 04/10/24 06:00 AM

The Zoom Call as presented this week by Patricia Kennedy, was a  little different as it wasn't real estate related, but the subject, as relates to better health was one that seemed to echo with those that were on the call.
There is a point within a medical diagnosis where one senses the a major lifestyle change is in order.  It can be for the fear of what lies ahead or the consult of people that have faced similar that causes one to take note and reflect on what will be the new course once the serious part of the recovery.
Its not … (12 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 4.02.24 Let's discuss the Truth About the NAR Settlement - 04/05/24 01:35 PM
Zoom Call 4.02.24  Let's discuss the Truth About the NAR Settlement
Our real estate business is under attack and there are feelings that the top of our pile is being less than responsible to the membership.
Across the country, agency boards are attempting to keep the gang together and at the same time offer some Inteligent guidance so as to keep us in business and the wolves away from the doors.
Those that were in attendance requested some anonymity, and the cross section were of well-established agents from across the country.
The consensus was that there are very few truths available to us agents and … (15 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: The ActiveRain Zoom Calls are Mini Versions of Past Events - 03/24/24 10:27 AM
The ActiveRain Zoom Calls are Mini Versions of Past Events
The March Challenge hosted by Eileen Burns, and Kat Palmiotti, is offered as a way of generating some enthusiasm amongst ActiveRain members to participate in the weekly Zoom call.
I was not an early participant and cannot remember as to why I didn't get on the early calls but have been on the calls as time permits. I have also gotten into a re-cap post as an enticement to share and maybe even bring new faces.
There is a socialization few moments that take place before the start of the calls that brings fond … (36 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 3.05.24 Working to Energize the Members - 03/06/24 06:19 AM
Zoom Call 3.05.24  Working to Energize the Members
The Zoom call for this week was intended to be an open brainstorming session on getting the platform more interactive especially as revolves around the less seasoned members.
It should be noted that the Zoom calls were initiated during the pandemic start as a way of just getting social as so many were bunkered down.
The focus turned to an informational call allowing different people to offer insights to their business plans, areas of expertise or just an introduction to different parts of the country and how real estate is transacted there.
It is apparent when looking … (12 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 2.27.24 Tom Hurley Inspection Overview - 02/28/24 01:25 PM
Zoom Call 2.27.24 Tom Hurley  Inspection Overview
The Zoom call this week was presented by Tom Hurley, an Inspector from Sheriden, WY.    His business is Double H Inspections, LLC and he's been working at it for about 4 years.  In what he describes as the wild, wild west regarding consistency with inspections and real estate, he has endeavored to bring professionalism and consistency to his craft and keep the drama out.
 His approach has been to make the process and his reports as simple as possible for his clients to understand yet give full details of what he sees.
He has taken several … (15 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 2.13.24 Getting Engagement in ActiveRain - 02/15/24 06:26 AM
Zoom Call 2.13.24  Getting Engagement in ActiveRain
The Zoom call this week was intended to get input from those in attendance to try and get more involvement in Active Rain. 
Have the best days of ActiveRain passed, done by the cannibalizing with the past ownership that used the platform and the SEO generated by quality blogs to get clicks that they in turn were able to sell to agents seeking contact names.
The number of daily blog posts as dropped dramatically. There was a time when we would see 200 posts by members seeking to get exposure for their respective areas, and their niches.
On … (27 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 1.02.24 Lars Hosford Understanding Appraisals - 01/03/24 10:29 AM
Zoom Call  1.02.24 Lars Hosford  Understanding Appraisals
This week's Zoom call was presented by an appraiser that recently did some work for Margaret Rome. Her enthusiasm got her to invite him to present to a zoom group and he obviously accepted.
Lars is a Maryland appraiser and owner of Four Corners Appraisal. He has 18 years of experience, and it was demonstrated with the call.
He offered his observations on the basic nature and observation of a typical appraiser as he has encountered in his state., as being an older white male, educated and well established in his community. Their experiences and quantity of … (13 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 12.19.23 Wayne Rowlett Business Planning Time Management - 12/21/23 11:46 AM
Zoom Call 12.19.23  Wayne Rowlett  Business Planning Time Management
The Zoom call for the week was a presentation by Wayne Rowlett, who operates a real estate school out of the Pensacola area. His school has students from all over the country. 
He has extensive training in real estate as well as being a licensed pilot and instructor.
He started his presentation offering that real estate agents often find themselves in trouble as they can be so easily sidetracked while trying to get something done.
To be successful one must have both short term and long-term goals and develop time management skills as well.
As real estate … (13 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 12.12.23 Understanding Credit, Part 2 - 12/14/23 09:30 AM
Zoom Call 12.12.23  Understanding Credit, Part 2
The Zoom call this week was to be part 2 on Credit as impacts real estate transactions.   Due to last minute issues William Piotrowski was not able to dial in and was replaced quite well by George Souto.
George was caught slightly off guard and claimed to be not as prepared as he thought he should be, but with over 30 years in the industry he had more than enough knowledge to present the call.
The call was initiated by Jim Paulson, who introduced George Souto. 
The conversation started with the offering that credit reports fees will be … (12 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 12.05.23 William Piotrowski Current Credit Overview - 12/06/23 09:39 AM
Zoom Call 12.05.23  William Piotrowski   Current Credit Overview
The Zoom call was an informational call moderated by William Piotrowski and assisted with support by Jim Paulson, George Souto and John Meussner.  
It was evident from the start that there had been much offline conversation among the presenters so as to be most efficient and informative with the presentation.
The presentation was a return to basics and as all on the call have had experience with clients and their credit issues over the years, an understanding of fundamentals thru to current trends was the focus.
Initially, the concept of evaluating credit was created by Bill … (13 comments)

Ed Silva, 203-206-0754, Retired Central CT Real Estate Broker  (Mapleridge Realty,  CT 203-206-0754  )

Ed Silva, 203-206-0754

Retired Central CT Real Estate Broker

Waterbury, CT

More about me…

Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754

Address: Prospect, Cheshire, Wolcott, Waterbury, Naugatuck, Middlebury, Watertown, Southington,Thomaston, Plantsville, CT, 06479

Office: 203-758-6440

Mobile: 203-206-0754




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