Donna & Larry Johnson's (elbow3140) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Keller Williams Real Estate - RS293271
  AGENT BENEFITS (Phone conversion)   So what is the benefit for a potential buyer to take the time and schedule an appointment with you?   “Would you see value in viewing pictures of the inside of all the homes that fit your search criteria, rather than to run around and call agents and schedule...
    When you take an incoming buyer call, what are you selling?   Most agents say that they are selling “themselves”. Sorry to burst your bubble, but buyers aren’t looking to buy “you”; they want to buy a home.   So what’s the value proposition you offer to the buyer over the phone?   Believe it ...
  LEAD GENERATION   Buyers can be very time consuming, if you don’t have a specific SYSTEM in place.   Your next series of tips will take you through a system that will funnel well qualified buyers your way, increase your conversion rates and decrease the amount of time you have to spend with the...
Working with Buyers (8) Wouldn’t you like to know how buyers find the real estate agent they use? Referred by (or is) a friend, neighbor, or relative 40% Used agent previously to buy⁄sell a home 13% Visited open house and met agent 7% Walked into⁄called office and agent was on duty 4% Internet S...
Working with Buyers (7) So, the next question is “Where did a buyer live before they purchased their home?” Owned previous residence – 49% Rented an apartment or house – 38% Lived with parents, relatives or friends – 9% Interesting statistics, aren’t they? Do you have a marketing strategy in pla...
Working with Buyers A buyer has visited an Internet site. Now what do they do? Here are the actions a buyer takes as a result of using an internet site: 74% of the buyers either drove by or viewed a home. 61% the buyers either walked through a home viewed on line. 23% of the buyers use an agent ...
Working with Buyers Question ... “Do you know who the buyers work with when researching homes on the Internet?” Method of Home Purchase, By Use of Internet: Agent⁄Broker – 81% Direct from Builder – 10% Direct from previous owner whom buyer didn’t know – 5 % Do you have an Internet strategy that ...
Working with Buyers (1) Rather than racing blindly after as many buyers you can come in contact with, wouldn’t it be valuable to know the expectations and behaviors of today’s buyers? This series of tips will focus on the buyer’s expectations, wants and needs; and the strategies and the tactics ...
How much are you going to invest in your business this year? Your first consideration is “How much did you invest in your real estate business last year and what was your ROI?” Secondly, “what were the investments that produced results?” Start making a list of your activities, dollars spent and w...
Action steps to accomplish your Business Plan Let’s not make this a complicated process, the only magic pill is not reinventing what you do, just make a decision to some specific action steps and be consistent. Start by sticking with what has been successful in the past, what has worked before a...

Donna & Larry Johnson

Chester & Delaware County
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