short sale san diego: Mortgage Problems- Understanding Your 15 Options (Part 5) - 01/09/12 01:35 PM
(Continued from Wednesday, January 4, 2012) Power Solution- THIS SOLUTION IS GROSSLY OVERLOOKED. Simply- several options all at the same time (steps 1-5 can be done in 2 days): 1st. Create a safety net by listing your property with a short sale Realtor. This will give you the necessary time to pursue other options as well as create a safety net incase other options do not work out. If one of the other options you prefer works out, simply cancel your listing. 2nd. Call your lender and discuss options 3-8 and see what options they offer and request the necessary paperwork. … (0 comments)

short sale san diego: Mortgage Problems- Understanding Your 15 Options (Part 4) - 01/04/12 11:43 AM
(continued from Monday, January 2, 2012) Short Sale With one of our Experts - Assuming you have no equity and have to sell, you can list your home with a Realtor who has been trained how to do short sales. Almost always your best option. Without a doubt, if you know you can no longer afford mortgage payments or you do not want to keep the property, this is the best option. The major benefit of this is that you have a trained experienced professional on your side. Also most of your other options are still available while your home is … (0 comments)

short sale san diego: Mortgage Problems- Understanding Your 15 Options (Part 3) - 01/01/12 11:07 AM
(continued from Wednesday, December 28, 2011) Short Sale to an Investor- This is almost always a mistake. The investor is interested in only his own interests. He will attempt to negotiate with the bank to accept less money and if the bank goes low enough, he will purchase, if the bank does not go low enough, he can just walk away, and months of valuable time has passed and most of your other options are gone. Sell to an Investor- This will require that you have a lot of equity and are willing to sell for 60-70% of fair market value. … (0 comments)

short sale san diego: Mortgage Problems- Understanding Your 15 Options (Part 2) - 12/27/11 11:48 AM
If you are experiencing problems with your mortgage, there are 15 possible solutions. The longer you wait, the less options you have. The sooner you do something, the better the outcome for you! Read the Article Here

short sale san diego: Mortgage Problems- Understanding Your 15 Options (Part 1) - 12/25/11 12:37 PM
When you first perceive future mortgage problems, you have 15 options. As your lender passes further and further through the necessary steps to foreclose on your property, your options become fewer and fewer. It is imperative you act quickly!     If you stand idle, the foreclosure is rarely the end of the situation! You may still owe money tied to the property they took. You may still have tax liabilities tied to the property they took. You may have ruined credit for 8-13 years instead of 2-5 years. YOU MUST BE PRO-ACTIVE TO PROTECT YOUR INTRESTS! When you first perceive … (0 comments)


Eric Colona

Carmel Valley, CA

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RE/MAX United

Address: 4164 Cherokee Ave, San Diego, CA, 92104

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