Nolan County approves Tenaska tax abatement By Kimberly Gray/Special to the Reporter-NewsOriginally published 04:22 p.m., January 26, 2009Updated 04:22 p.m., January 26, 2009 SWEETWATER - Nolan County commissioners today approved a tax abatement for Tenaska after a two-hour meeting that included
Charlie BlackChair MISSIONThe mission of the AIF is to retain and expand existing business and to attract new business all of which will create jobs and add tax base to the Abilene economy.FOCUS FOR 2008-09: Focus on Key Sectors - We will concentrate on sectors with the greatest potential growth.
Business Notebook 10.26.08 Reporter-News Staff ReportOriginally published 03:54 p.m., October 25, 2008Updated 10:29 a.m., October 26, 2008 Courtesy photo Ryan Dunagan. Brokerage firm adds new associate Ryan Dunagan has been hired by Paul Johnson & Associates, a commercial brokerage firm in Abilen
Abilene companies lay off nearly 70 December unemployment figures remain stable By Sidney Levesque (Contact)Friday, January 23, 2009 Three Abilene companies that work with boilers have laid off nearly 70 people. Rentech Boiler Systems eliminated 12 jobs, Rentech Boiler Services cut 25, and Fronti
01/29/2009 Classic Features Create the Ideal Profile Windstar Industrial Center consists of two, interconnected, steel-and-concrete buildings. Combined, Windstar West and East offer 728,000 square feet of multi-tenant space, ideal for ma
After reading his book Churches, Jails, and Gold Mines, I was able to meet Mr. Good at the TAR convention in Galveston. This has been a tremendous loss for his family and the industry. In Memoriam - Steven L. Good The Commercial Real Estate industry was deeply saddened by the recent death of St
February 19 Webinar: "Industrial Properties: 15 Things You Must Know to Lead the Field" Audience Level: Beginners in commercial real estate The February 19 event will focus on developing expertise in industrial properties and will feature a unique approach, pioneered by Top Dogs Commercial Real E
A Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) is a recognized expert in the disciplines of commercial and investment real estate. A CCIM is an invaluable resource to the commercial real estate owner, investor, and user, and is among an elite corps of more than 9,000 professionals who hold the C
Positive economic impact in Sweetwater - Tenaska Co., the $3 billion plant, would bring to the community between 1,500 and 2,000 construction jobs. When complete, the plant would provide 100 permanent jobs.
We are currently working on developing a West Texas Chapter of CCIM. Paul was the President of the former West Texas High Plains CCIM chapter in the eightees.