
here it is the end of July and only 4 wks left in the summer for those of us in the northeast. we haven't been to our pool yet, how about you. our weekends seem to fly by, our plan was to take fridays off during the summer this year.. so far we have only done that twice but have not gotten in the...
Basics of prepping your house to sell by Bill Farragher This is not staging but will help. I usually recommend that you consult a stager to see what their recommendations are. That is what they do, they have an eye and a knack for making your house look like a model home. In this market, where bu...
The house and the senate have both approved their proposals for the bailout of the mortgage industry now what does that mean to the rest of the industry. Are they going to implement new rules to prevent it from happening again? Will this bring the inventory down because less homes will be going i...
We have been going to the gym a few days a week after work. In the beginning it was rough, didn't feel like it but we did it anyway. Now we look forward to it. One of the things that most people that just start out seem to complain about is they don't see results(after 1-2 weeks). I try to explai...
As the technology moves forward there are things happening that we don't even realize. Just sat with a rep for a phone service. He talked about how the old T-1 lines can only handle 1.5 whatevers and the new fiber optic lines will be able to handle 100 whatevers. I only wanted to know can you sav...
I have to tell you about our trip last week to North Carolina to go to a friends wedding. Karen doesn't like to fly so we drive everywhere. So as trips go this was a short one. We left Friday morning, dealt with the rush hour traffic until we got through Wash DC.. Once you get through DC it is am...
My wife and I both grew up in Hudson County. Lived there most of our lives. We travel around the state to different counties for various reasons. Last night we were invited to a fellow franchisee's 5th anniversary party at her house. Which was located all the way up in Sussex county. We left the ...
Karen and I had a little maltese. He was like the son we never had. Soaking wet he only weighed 6 lbs. I can remember the day we picked him up like it was yesterday. He was so small, only a few weeks old, he fit in the palm of your hand. I remember thinking, this is not a dog, this is going to be...
Go where you might ask. How about to bed it is almost 1:00 am and I have to get up at 7:00. Which is fine for me I usually go on 5 hours sleep a night anyway. Have a busy day so will attempt to get off here and get a good nights rest. See you all later if I get a chance. Have a Great Day and keep...
  This is a 1 min clip that will show you how to say thanks to service men and women when you see them in public. It is simple but means a ton.   Sincerely, Bill

William "Bill" and Karen Farragher

local_phone(732) 696-8090
smartphone(201) 892-5640
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