Forth Hoyt, Folsom Short Sale Agent and Experienced Folsom Short Sale Specialist answers the question: Has the Mortgage Debt Relief Act Been Extended? What are the Tax Implications of a Short Sale? Here’s some good news for financially stressed homeowners looking for options: Five years ago, Pres. Bush Signed the Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007, that would prevent households from having to treat certain types of forgiven mortgage debt as taxable income. Prior to the law being passed, homeowners owed taxes after a short sale, taxes after a foreclosure and taxes on a loan modification. The Mortgage Debt (0 comments)
See the full listing for 1567 Ballou Cir Folsom Californa 95630 Folsom Short Sale Specialist Forth Hoyt Has done it again! Another Successful Short Sale in Folsom! This time in record Time! Seven days after submitted and only 11 DAYS AFTER I TOOK THE LISTING! Eleven days (calendar days, mind you, there were TWO weekends in there) to get Full Short Sale Approval with Bank Of America! That’s Unheard of! Let me say it again! We got a Bank of America short sale in Folsom approved in Seven Days!!Almost like a traditional real estate deal! This (0 comments)
Sacramento Short Sale Specialist Forth Hoyt Answers more questions about short sales. I have completed nearly every Short Sale Certification and Designation class I have ever come across. I can truthfully say there is not a question about short sales I have come across in several months that I didn't know the answer for or at least knew where to get the answer quickly. I am constantly getting questions on Short Sales and especially from the Sacrametno Area Considering a Short Sale. One of the most frequently asked questions I get is "what information will the bank need (0 comments)