httpwwwferraripacificrealtycom: The Hawaii Bottom is Coming - 10/26/09 06:34 AM
"The bottom is coming, the bottom is coming", cried Chicken Little as he ran frantically through the yard . . . or something like that.  This time it may be true, the bottom may actually be coming or may be here, for that matter.  The question is, is this "the" bottom or just "a" bottom?Reading the statistics from Hawaii Information Service, our MLS provider, one gets the impression that we may be at or very near the elusive bottom.  Two of the three main statistics are jittery and bouncing up and down while the third, median price, continues to decline at … (0 comments)

httpwwwferraripacificrealtycom: Third Quarter 2009 - 10/05/09 06:57 AM
How far away can the bottom be when sales activity begins to rise, volume begins to rise and median price continues to fall?  This is exactly what we're seeing in West Hawaii for the districts of North Kohala, South Kohala, North Kona and South Kona.First the bad news, if you're a seller. Median prices have continued to slip south at rather high rates considering the turn around in sales.  In North Kohala, the median price for Single Family Residences (SFR's) is down <30.7%> to $572,550.  This is considerable when you look at an area with mostly million dollar plus homes and … (0 comments)

httpwwwferraripacificrealtycom: Aloha Friday Hits the Streets - 10/01/09 02:19 PM
Hits the streets in an electronic sort of way, that is.  This weeks newsletter has been emailed to subscribers and has articles on West Hawaii real estate, a reveiw of both foreclosures and shortsales in North Kona and South Kohala.  In addition there we look at who's not making mortgage payments, the Kona Cold Lobsters farm at the Natural Energy Lab Hawaii, we revisit condo occupancy and how it effects loanability, a look at the dim future of solar energy and the ever popular Shameless Plug.Bottom line is that although we hear a lot of news about foreclosures, in most categories … (1 comments)

httpwwwferraripacificrealtycom: Interest Rates, how low can they go? - 09/29/09 01:29 PM
Can you believe interest rates are actually holding at under 5% right now.  Buying property is really an investment, where else can you find rates like this?  Many people today are getting more than 5% on investments so it makes sense to carry a mortgage rather than paying cash in this market.Bank of Hawaii is offering a 15 year fixed rate mortgage for 4.00% interest with 2.625 points, a point being one percent of the loan.  The 30 year fixed rate was at 4.5% for the same points.  Even the Jumbo loans were at 5.25% which is a good deal for … (0 comments)

httpwwwferraripacificrealtycom: Stability??? - 09/28/09 10:24 AM
Could it be that we're seeing the beginning of the end?  Probably not but it's a fun thing to think about.  If we consider Median Price for homes in North Kona we see it at $383,050, down <31%> from last year at this time.  Condo prices are down <34%> to $190,000, first time in a long time we've been under the two hundred thousand dollar mark.
In South Kohala the Median price for a Single Family Residence (SFR) is down <30%> to $334,500 and condos are down to $372,500, a drop of <27%>.  I suggest stability because of the number of … (1 comments)

httpwwwferraripacificrealtycom: Hawaii Defies the Trend - 09/25/09 01:02 PM
Hawaii once again goes its own way.  While the rest of the country toys with the idea of recovery we wait for the waves.  New housing sales climb, we stop building and wait for the waves.  Existing housing moves up and down, we continue down and wait for the waves.  We seem to always be waiting on the waves or anything else that will pick us up and get things moving here again.
We're about to enter Round 2 of the Foreclosure battle.  Round 1 was mostly the investors who got in late or just got in over their heads.  Round … (1 comments)

Robert Ferrari (Ferrari Pacific Realty Corporation)

Robert Ferrari

Kailua-Kona, HI

More about me…

Ferrari Pacific Realty Corporation

Address: 76-6340 Kololia Street, Kailua Kona, HI, 96740-2261

Office: 808(327) 316-3201

Mobile: (808) 896-0661




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