real estate professionals: Are you showing emotion in your real estate transaction? - 12/06/12 04:10 AM
Showing Emotion
I have a saying: “When clients show their emotion, it shows their need.  When real estate professionals show their emotion, it shows their greed.”  When you negotiate, it should be done soberly and methodically.  When you show your emotions, you’re only demonstrating your weakness and insecurity.  Showing your emotions demonstrates you’re putting your own interests above the client’s.
Making Assumptions
This is another tell-tale sign you’ve given up.  By not ascertaining the facts and assuming what they are, it shows your unwillingness to keep trying.  For instance, you may assume the buyer won’t come up $10000 more and advise … (1 comments)

real estate professionals: Building a Content Strategy Vs. Pay Per Click - 11/13/12 12:49 AM
The internet is like a continent sized forest, and things like search engines and social networking sites are like park rangers or guides.  If these people can’t find your website, then your website is like a billboard in the middle of these woods.  No one will know it’s there.  Having an invisible website is why most real estate professionals who have had a website think having their own site is useless.  Of course an invisible site is useless!
Search engines strive to place the truly best, most authoritative pages in any subject matter at the top of their search results. For real … (1 comments)

real estate professionals: Differentiation of yourself in Real Estate - 10/29/12 04:41 AM
Differentiating yourself from your competitors in various ways is an important step toward being a top producer.  It’s because differentiation is the foundation of branding yourself and your business.  We all know it’s no longer all about what company you work for as it used to be.  Today, who you are and what you bring to the table are paramount.  The more unique your offerings, the better. 
When you follow the pack and do all the conventional things you think real estate professionals should do, you’re little more than a face in the crowd to most prospects.  But when you’re different, … (0 comments)

real estate professionals: FSBOs don’t think real estate professionals are worth the commission - 07/31/12 01:20 AM
The key thing to remember with FSBOs is they don’t think real estate professionals are worth the commission they’re paid.  That’s why they want to sell on their own.  So what you must do with FSBOs is convey the value of your services.  When people understand the value of something they care less about the cost because they can see they’re getting tangible benefit for the money they’re spending.
So what your email blasts to your FSBO database must convey is your ability to market their home effectively, thereby justifying your commission.  So be sure to quantify the things you will … (2 comments)

real estate professionals: A Top Producer is a Connector - 12/09/11 05:24 AM
Becoming A Connector
The best way you can become a connector and make lots of friends and acquaintances is by systematizing your relationship building.  Your systems can take the place for any lack of gregariousness on your part.
Top producers have systems for all aspects of their business, but their most important system is their contact management system.  This system is critical in efficiently moving any contacts they make into an ideal customer: the highly satisfied, lifelong customer who regularly refers new business to you.  These top producers understand the different degrees between complete stranger and ideal customer – let’s call … (1 comments)

real estate professionals: Handling Impossible Objections in Real Estate - 12/06/11 02:31 AM
All real estate professionals eventually get faced with the impossible objection during a listing presentation.  What do I mean by the impossible objection?  It’s that single objection from the seller that leaves you completely stumped.  You’ve racked your brain, trying to figure out a way of overcoming this objection, but you simply can’t.  You might have tried to avoid the objection or highlight other reasons why they should sell with you, but that impossible objection keeps coming back into the conversation.
I have a way of overcoming this impossible objection.  I call it the Rule of Five.  It doesn’t matter what … (0 comments)

real estate professionals: Real Estate Website Strategies to avoid - 07/04/11 06:59 AM
Website Content And Strategies You Should Avoid
Your real estate website is your face on the Internet.  Prospects judge your site very quickly (as do search engines), so it’s just as important to have the right ingredients as avoiding the wrong ingredients.  So make sure your website doesn’t the following blemishes:
The Me-Me-Me Website
When people visit your real estate website, they’re mainly looking for listings (especially pictures of listings) and secondarily any helpful info you can provide for helping them find their dream home.  So don’t bog your site down with info about “you”.  All you really need is an … (4 comments)