real estate website: Learn how to make a website work for your real estate business - 11/29/12 12:56 AM
Your real estate website and website traffic generation activities should work hand in hand for a single goal: continually building your email database with prospective clients.  When a prospect visits your website, you usually have just one chance to capture their contact information before they leave and are gone forever. 
To do that, your website must be replete with information on your farm areas, obviously focusing on real estate but potentially covering anything to do with these areas.  A comprehensive, information rich website, coupled with a Call To Action on every page on your site for a prospect to sign … (2 comments)

real estate website: What would your Real Estate Website do for you? - 11/26/12 12:29 AM
Most real estate professionals don’t really understand what it means to have the top #1 ranking in the normal search results of Google for your farm areas.  That’s only because their real estate website has never been on the first page of Google (IE the top 10 search results) or even page 2 or 3 or 10 or 100, and they’ve never known anyone else who has had high Google ranking.  Some have an inkling of what top ranking means because they have managed to get somewhere on pages 1-2 of search results.  
Having your website as the first search … (2 comments)

real estate website: 10 Career Changing Reasons Why You Need a Real Estate Website - 11/14/12 01:43 AM
Are you interested in learning how to make a website work for your real estate business? Don’t miss this 60 minute webinar to hear Gabrielle Jeans discuss the “10 Career Changing Reasons Why You Need a Real Estate Website.”  This webinar will give you tips on how to turn your website into your best performing sales tool.  Don't miss this FREE 60 Minutes webinar! 

real estate website: Differentiation of yourself in Real Estate - 10/29/12 04:41 AM
Differentiating yourself from your competitors in various ways is an important step toward being a top producer.  It’s because differentiation is the foundation of branding yourself and your business.  We all know it’s no longer all about what company you work for as it used to be.  Today, who you are and what you bring to the table are paramount.  The more unique your offerings, the better. 
When you follow the pack and do all the conventional things you think real estate professionals should do, you’re little more than a face in the crowd to most prospects.  But when you’re different, … (0 comments)

real estate website: Selecting a Domain name? - 10/05/12 12:54 AM
The key is making your domain name memorable.  When it’s memorable people are less likely to forget it or mistype it.  The more specific your branding is, the more memorable it will be.  It’s easier to remember something like than
Having words describing your business focus spelled out in your domain name also helps yourwebsite’s ranking in search engines.   Search engines give bonus ranking points to domains when the words a person searches for are found within the domain.  For instance, if someone uses the search “<yourcityname> condos” in Google then the search engine will give higher ranking to … (3 comments)

real estate website: Don’t have your real estate website? You have no face on the internet - 08/07/12 04:08 AM
What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
Wikipedia defines Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as “the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines”. The idea with search engines is the higher your web pages rank in the search results of searches done by your target market, and the more frequently your pages appear in those search results, the more likely your target prospects will find you, recognize your real estate expertise, and do business with you.
Do I Need My Own Real Estate Website Today?
Yes! If you don’t have your own real estate … (0 comments)

real estate website: The Importance of Saved searches on your website - 07/26/12 04:10 AM
Even if you have your website optimized in search engines for your farm areas, you still must make your website and what you can offer buyers compelling enough so they’ll want to keep in contact with you and sign up for your email mailing list.

  If they don’t sign up, these people are simply cars zooming by on the information super highway.  You’ll probably never see them again!  So getting them to sign up for your mailing list is critical.  It gives you the chance to begin building a relationship with them.  Saved property searches offer a great way … (3 comments)

real estate website: Should you write your own content for your real estate website? - 05/15/12 12:32 AM
Some tasks in your business are worth far more per hour than others, so you want to do the most revenue generation activities yourself and leave the less revenue generating activities to others. For instance, spending time on the phone following up with past clients and prospects is a high level, revenue generating task. Doing paperwork for closings is not a revenue generating task, though it’s obviously an essential part of your business and must still be done.If you’re building your business online with your real estate website, you really need to take an inventory of yourself and think about whether … (6 comments)

real estate website: How to write Real Estate Content for your Website - 02/23/12 11:37 PM
  Use Enticement
When you write sales or marketing material, entice prospects to keep reading to the end by breaking off your writing abruptly.  For instance, on your website’s home page, for any articles linked there have a brief introduction to the article on the home page, or put the article’s first one or two sentences on the home page and break off the writing mid sentence.  This makes prospects more likely to keep reading.  I use enticement on my blog.  On the blog’s home page I include two to three sentences for each article, introducing the topic and why they … (4 comments)

real estate website: Educating your First time home owner - 01/09/12 04:21 AM
There’s a wealth of information available to prospective homeowners, both first timers and multi-timers. What they don’t need is more information but someone to help them navigate through it, evaluate it and make the best decisions. That’s where you come in.
You should recommend they speak to a mortgage broker and get pre approved before starting the home buying process. This helps them know what they can afford to buy so they don’t waste their time looking at properties priced beyond what they’ve been approved for. Getting pre-approved can save you and them a lot of time looking at places … (0 comments)

real estate website: Does Your Real Estate Website pass this test? - 01/03/12 06:02 AM
As with anything in life, Planning is necessary. This statement also applies to your real estate business and more importantly, building your real estate website. In order to develop the right plan for your website, you will need to ask yourself certain questions about what you currently have or what you are planning to build. These questions will help you shape your decision making process when dealing with your website plans. Planning ahead in your real estate business sets you apart from your competitors and helps you become more successful because you have decided to implement strategies and design your tools … (1 comments)

real estate website: Is your Real Estate website a one-stop shop? - 10/31/11 09:07 AM
There are three problems with taking the one stop shop approach with your website.  First, your information on anything other than your local real estate market is going to be weak relative to professionals’ sites who do this work on a daily basis.  
Second, you may confuse Google about how to classify your site.  If your site has lots of legal information including legal forms you run the risk of your site being classified as a real estate lawyer site.
Third, if you do give these people the information they’re looking for in these related areas then they won’t have … (0 comments)

real estate website: Testimonials are the best - 10/14/11 04:34 AM
 Start a free Trial today. No strings attached

real estate website: A Real Estate Website Design Software and its features. - 10/13/11 08:33 AM
For those that know me on Active Rain, you may have heard me talk about my MoneyMaker product and I realised I have never written a blog post about it. I would be listing the different features of the MoneyMaker product and you can decide if you wanty to come on board with the thousands of Real Estate Agents that are already using this product.


real estate website: Why your Real Estate Website is not making you money - 08/08/11 02:27 AM
According to NAR, a staggering 70% of real estate professionals don’t think the Internet is helpful for their business.  The biggest reason for this is most real estate professionals don’t promote their website online.  They don’t do it because they don’t know how, don’t want to learn how, and don’t have anyone do it for them.  Though millions and millions of people use the internet, it doesn’t mean you can just get a website and expect the prospects to immediately start pouring in.  So I want to address the biggest misunderstandings about websites among real estate professionals and how to alleviate … (4 comments)

real estate website: Buying into a Neighborhood - 07/27/11 03:06 AM
Today’s home buyers are buying a home just as much as they’re buying into a neighborhood.  So it’s not enough to just sell people on the features and benefits of your listings.  You need to sell them on the features and benefits of each listing’s neighborhood as well.  You do that by becoming a neighborhood expert.  But if you are currently working several different farm neighborhoods, it’ll be difficult to establish yourself as an expert in all of them.  So focus on one particular neighborhood (ideally the one you live in) and design your website strictly with that neighborhood in mind.  … (0 comments)

real estate website: Real Estate Website Domain Names : How to choose domain names - 07/04/11 05:12 AM
You should have both a generic name for your real estate website (eg. and your own name (  A domain with your own name is part of your personal branding.  But when the day comes to sell your website domain, unless you’re a famous person, no one is going to be interested in buying your website name.  But they’ll be interested in  This could become a valuable piece of “ real estate” that could eventually be worth tens of thousands of dollars when you retire or leave the real estate business.
Some companies specialize in buying domain names … (3 comments)

real estate website: Facebook Pay per Click for your Ontario Real Estate Business - 06/22/11 02:50 AM
One of Facebook’s most popular innovations is the Like button.  A Like button is a way for people to support someone or something.  For instance, your ontario real estate website could have a Like button on it and you could ask your site visitors to click this button.  Let’s say John Smith saw your Facebook ad, clicked it, was brought to your website and clicked the Like button on your landing page.  If John Smith had 500 friends on his Facebook account (not an uncommon number nowadays) then your site would be visible to all of John’s 500 friends on their … (0 comments)