placer county: Is gas prices effecting the real estate market?
- 03/04/12 07:37 AM
Is gas prices effecting the real estate market? Is gas prices effecting the real estate market the answer would be "Yes" as I have meet with a first timehome buyer asking question and getting to know the family as to what is important to them. #1 I don't want to have a long commute to my job so I need to find a home within 15 minutes from where I work. As gas prices continue going up it will have an effects on the purchasing power of the homebuyer because homes that might be closed by the job might not be what the homebuyer (2 comments)
placer county: Making it your choice as to who to use as the appraiser.
- 02/06/12 01:56 PM
Making it your choice as to who to use as the appraiser. Making it your choice as to who to use as the appraiser is not that difficult and most of us don't even think that we have a say, in the matter. But the reality is that we can make the request when placing an offer on buying a home within the purchase agreement. Why is this important? Because most appraiser are scheduled through the mortgage company who uses a contracting company to get an appraiser to go out and look at the property where they might be coming from a different county or as far as 100 miles away from the (2 comments)