marketing: YouTube, music and the answer is YES !
- 08/13/18 11:30 AM
I think I'm probably the last person on the planet who didn't have a YouTube channel but that changed a few days ago. Why? I'm spending as much time these days composing music as I do painting so to keep things simple, I've decided to use my Instagram account for my artwork since Instagram is the best social media platform for visual content...
And will use my YouTube channel for music projects...
So what does this have to do with you? A few months ago when I posted about my absence from ActiveRain these past few years, where I've been and what I was doing... one of the things (51 comments)
marketing: Google is going to public shame you !
- 08/01/18 10:06 AM
A quick note to say "thanks" to everyone for the warm welcome back messages in my previous post. I never really left ActiveRain but I haven't posted in a really long time so here I am again and it's really nice to see so many familiar faces and new ones as well.
Before I get to the fun stuff, I wanted to explain why Google is forcing all websites to start using the HTTPS protocol. I'll try to explain this in plain English without getting "too techie" on you. For the past few weeks I've been updating all of my client's websites over to HTTPS (95 comments)
marketing: And we're back . . . a thank you, a preview and a cat !
- 07/26/18 10:56 AM
As the post title says... I'm back! After a long absence and a lot of encouragement from AR members who apparently missed me, I've decided to try and make time in my crazy busy life to post here again on some sort of regular basis but first...
Before anything else, I wanted to say a BIG thank you for all the awesome birthday wishes you guys sent me yesterday along with the oodles of cats pics that seemed to "infiltrate" the topic! ;-) And in case I missed thanking anyone for their birthday wishes, cute cat pics or anything else... let me say again (77 comments)
Quick Update: The tech problem in groups seems to have finally been resolved. Thx AR and to everyone who sent me feedback about this, much appreciated!
hi everyone... yeah it's been awhile since my last post. Even though I've been maintaining and moderating The Art of Marketing YOU group, the past few years have been crazy busy with new adventures and projects that didn't leave me much time for anything else, also... I want to thank everyone (in no particular order) who has kept this group alive with some truly awesome content including Barbara Todaro , Debe Maxwell, CRS , Margaret Rome, Baltimore Maryland , Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers , Pat Starnes, (71 comments)
marketing: The Art Of Marketing YOU... group guidelines update
- 08/03/12 03:28 AM
Just a quick note and update to let everyone know that becasue a small group of people have been flooding this group with off topic content, we're now removing off topic content when we see it. That means if your post isn't about marketing, marketing ideas, marketing strategies, examples, etc... it probably doesn't belong in this group. This is NOT the place to post property listings, market reports, posts pushing your Amazon affiliate links, religious stuff, recipes, etc... please post those things in the appropriate groups! Also, because 99% of the spam is generated by vendors(SEO, lead generation, etc...), we are no longer accepting vendors in (190 comments)
marketing: Dear Facebook, please get a freekin' clue about PERMISSION MARKETING!
- 06/25/12 07:17 AM
Hi guys, are you in the mood for a quickie? Cool, here we go... In case you didn't notice, in their seemingly never ending quest to abuse privacy, Facebook changed the email address in your profile to an @Facebook address. Here is an example from my own FB profile...
This is so not cool but another example of why Facebook needs to get a clue about Permission Marketing. But here is the easy fix, just check out this screenshot as a guide and follow the steps below...
- click on the "about" button in your profile
- scroll down to your email address then click (90 comments)
I'm always amused and impressed how the simplest things seem to grab me. If you haven't played the wildly successful game Angry Birds, you've probably heard about it. Ans if you visit the Angry Birds fan page on Facebook you'll see this welcome page...
If you click on the "Like" button to become a fan, you'll see...
How cute is that? It made me (26 comments)
marketing: The Art of Marketing YOU... it's the little things
- 01/04/11 03:51 AM
Hi guys, I hope everyone had a fun New Year's eve and that your 2011 is off to an awesome start. A post this morning by Andy Sernovitz about Cookies on an airplane reminded me of how the little things we do can make such a BIG difference to our clients, friends and relationships in general.
As we begin a new year filled with enthusiasm and all kinds ideas we want to try, I think it's important not to get overwhelmed with stuff and to remember that little things can have a long lasting impact. A few examples... (66 comments)
Hi guys, I've been a little preoccupied with my paint brushes this week so I'm just stopping by to say a quick "hello" and to thank everyone for all the excellent new posts. Have a great weekend...
Hi guys, my brain needs a serious rest from writing tutorials and I have a busier than busy month coming up so right now, I'm taking some "me time" to relax, have fun, eat like a pig and watch hockey. ;-) Today I just wanted to give you a preview of some new stuff I'm working on that will be coming out sometime in May including... a new calendar/wallpaper that you can use on your own sites & blogs, a look at a couple of cellphone wallpapers and a new series of blog headers for both ActiveRain & Wordpress. (41 comments)
To save you some time, here are some of my favorite resources that I found on the web this week. Unless otherwise indicated, these are all freebies!
Virl... Share Photos, Shorten URLs & Spread the News on Twitter, Facebook, Digg, blogs, etc...
TweetFind:Twitter search results based on user rankings
Real-time protection against online threats for free—forever
Twitgoo is a quick, easy and reliable image host for Twitter users
marketing: How not to do an April Fool's prank (an update on marti)
- 04/01/09 11:40 AM
Good afternoon Rainers, I wanted to give you all an update about marti and to thank his friends here on ActiveRain for the emails of support. If you haven't heard, marti took a nasty fall off a ladder last night while setting up an elaborate April Fool's joke that resulted in a broken right hand and a minor concussion. It's nothing too serious but as a precaution he had to stay in the hospital for observation for the next 24 to 48 hours If you're one of our client's in need of tech help please contact Jason at Any (48 comments)
I have a confession, actually an addiction. It's nothing too serious... I don't drink, I don't smoke and I don't use drugs. So what's this dirty little secret I've been hiding??? I love junk food. Not often but from time to time I get wicked cravings for salty, greasy chips. Yes plain old potato chips. Give me a BIG bag of chips and a Classic Coke and I'm a happy camper. Fortunately I usually only do this once a month so it's not really a problem.
So a few days ago I had one of my cravings (130 comments)
OK it's official, the housing market is in the dumper, the stock market keep tanking and there's blood in the streets... deal with it!!! Our parents generation and our grandparents generation went through tough times as well and you know what? They survived and they prospered. One thing I've been saying over and over and over again about blogging and marketing is that we have to stand out from the crowd, no matter what or where your crowd happens to be.
Whether we're selling homes, staging services, home inspections, blog designs or cookies... people will still (78 comments)
Hi everyone, if you've been following my series The Art Of Marketing You with wallpapers... - in part 1 we looked at the basic idea of marketing with wallpapers/calendars - in part 2 we looked at why wallpapers are such a great (and inexpensive) marketing tool - in part 3 we looked at how this idea can be applied to real estate
In part 4 I'm going to show you an example of how to put your own wallpaper/calendar together using a photo by Kathy McGraw, a free background image and give you the (86 comments)
If you haven't read The Art Of Marketing You with wallpapers part 1 and part 2 it might be a good idea to read them now before getting into part 3 to catch up on the basics of what we're talking about in this series. In part one I introduced the basic concept of marketing with wallpapers. In part 2 we got into why wallpapers are such a great marketing tool. In part 3 I'm going to cover some basic ideas and applications specifically for real estate! And then in part 4, I'll give you the technical (60 comments)
Before reading this post, if you missed The Art Of Marketing You with wallpapers part 1 now would be a good time to check it out so this post will make more sense.
Before getting into the technical points about designing great looking wallpapers that will be wanted, useful and downloaded, the first thing we should look at is why use wallpapers for marketing? The obvious and simple answer is FREE EXPOSURE! Think about it, the first thing most us do each day either from home or from the office is we go online (78 comments)
One of my favorite and most effective online marketing tools is giving away free wallpapers and calendars. Not the kind of wallpaper that messes up your kitchen walls but the kind you download from the net and use as a background image on your computer monitor.
Since I've had some questions and a lot of great feedback about wallpapers I've posted on Active Rain in the past few months, I thought it was about time to take a closer look at The Art Of Marketing You with wallpapers. So in addition (83 comments)
This post continues where I left off a few weeks ago with my blog design series and how to deal with geeks and techies in plain English so they understand exactly what you mean and you get exactly what you want. If you missed the beginning of this series, before reading this post you should take a look at... - Blog Design 101 intro and basics - Blog Design: things you should know before spending any $$$ good & bad news about free themes - Blog Design: the next step overview of free themes (82 comments)