Gay Fallin

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Real Estate Agent - Keller William
The following is information I found on the website:  It is a detail list of Flag Etiquette Do's and Don'ts.  I try to fly my flag everyday at my home in Collinsville.  I can remember as a child learning several of these rules in school.  Don't let the flag touch the ground, di...
Know that there’s no “right” time to buy.If you find the perfect home now, don’t risk losing it because you’re trying to guess where the housing market and interest rates are going. Those factors usually don’t change fast enough to make a difference in an individual home’s price.Don’t ask for to...
These questions will help you decide whether you’re ready for a home that’s larger or in a more desirable location. If you answer yes to most of the questions, you may be ready to move.Have you built substantial equity in your current home?Check your annual mortgage statement or call your lender ...
As I sit here in my office this morning, the last week of July 2016, I am longing for that first cool breeze of fall.  I try to enjoy each season and "live in the moment" as much as I can even in the dog days of summer in North Texas.  My husband and I had a conversation in the car yesterday abou...
Whether you are moving a few blocks, across the country or a whole new country, the following tips can help our four legged family members survive the move.Update your pet’s tag with your new address.Make sure your pet’s collar is sturdy and correctly sized. The tag should also include your mobil...
Driving into the office this Monday morning I was listening to a radio program and the topic was encouragement.  The jest of the message was that everyone needs encouragement.  No matter our age, sex, profession; how successful we are in life or if we are going through some trial or set back.  As...
 I have a new client who are a multi generational household.  They consist of the daughter and her husband and her elderly parents.  Many families live in multi generational households, which are defined as 3 and even 4 generations living under the same roof.  These are common in developing count...
When I started my real estate career with Keller Williams I was asked to make a vision board.  This is something I had never done before.  I worked on mine for about week and I tried to really give it some thought about what I wanted for the rest of my life.  At the end of 2014 I had a major life...
Wishing everyone a very Happy Mother's Day.  I am blessed to have two wonderful daughters that make all my days happy.  This year my oldest daughter will be celebrating her first Mother's Day.  What a wonderful time in a Mother's life.   

Gay Fallin

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