NNN Triple Net Lease Brokers USA San Francisco Real Estate Blog

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Rising Stars Buy: Pebblebrook Hotel Trust (Again) By Alex Pape | More Articles February 24, 2011 | Comments (1) Wait! Don’t buy yet… Successful investing starts with a smart watchlist.Jump into the Fool’s FREE new service today. Click Here Now This article is part of our Rising Star Portfolios s...
  Charles Dunn Company Closes $9.7 Million Retail Sale Buyer plans to hold Walgreens store as an investment   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRLog (Press Release) – Feb 23, 2011 – Michel Hibbert, senior managing director of Charles Dunn Company’s West Los Angeles office, has closed on the sale of a 14,820...
          NNN Brokers USA is marketing a 6,503 square foot, free standing retail building located on a half-acre out parcel to Super Wal-Mart and Home Depot, all located on a heavily trafficked retail corridor. The building and land are being offered at very reasonable rents and are situated acr...
Buyers Snap Up 2 More San Francisco Hotels   The upswing in San Francisco hotel sales that started late last year has gained momentum with two more deals. Thayer Lodging has agreed to buy the leasehold interest in the 338-room JW Marriott in Union Square from Ashford Hospitality for slightly mor...
Their slogan, "In 2011, a new, global landrush is taking place. The new land is no longer physical, it is virtual, out there on the Internet. And it represents the largest “landrush” we will see in our lifetimes," pretty much sums it up.     The .nxt website (http://dot-nxt.com/) claims to have t...
This just out from Trulia...  What is the big difference in "Rent vs. Buy" Index and the GRM (Gross Rent Multiplier).  Looks like Trulia just attempted to apply the GRM to residential properties and drew a map (would be nice if they used real comps instead of median list price).  Also GRM's have ...
Commercial real eatate Safeway opening six Bay Area stores San Francisco Business Times Facing stiff competition from rival chains, Safeway Inc. is looking to open six new stores in the Bay Area, the Oakland Tribune reports. The Pleasanton-based grocery chain plans to open or revamp stores in Pl...
Steven J. Backman Creates a Replica of the White House from a Single Toothpick                SAN FRANCISCO, California-January 31, 2011- Steven J. Backman, a San Francisco native, has been creating toothpick art for nearly 40 years. What began as a hobby eventually became a passion for creating...
Silicon Valley startups lease offices close to the action despite high rents January 31, 2011 | Justin Bedecarré 1 Comment Finding office space may not be the sexiest aspect of starting or running a company, but choosing space where you’re close to the people and firms you want to collaborate wi...
Development Watch: Mid-Market: More Drama, Better Lighting January 31st, 2011 Rendering from the Tenderloin Economic Development Project via SFGate Good news for the neighborhood known as Mid-Market: ACT (American Conservatory Theater) is in the very early stages of planning a new dramatic arts ...

Gregory "NNN" Garver

(323) 696 1031, Net Lease Broker
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NNN Brokers USA Real Estate Blog has Real Estate Listings and News, much like http://brokersus.com