reduced commission: Buyer Agent Ethics - 03/31/07 07:07 AM
Important Buyer Information Regarding Agent Ethics Commission Motivation:
In almost every transaction, the Realtors will earn a substaintial commission when you buy a home. Due to the large economic motivation, it is human nature that your buyer's agent will be very happy when you decide to write an offer on a home. CataList Homes hopes every buyer understands the underlying economic incentives and looks out for their own interests, not the agent's.
Many agents are trained how to get you to write an offer quickly. After all they make less money per hour with every home they show. You may have … (3 comments)

reduced commission: Why Pay 5% Commission - 03/29/07 11:34 AM
Now that over 80% of home buyers are searching for homes online and have just as much access to the homes on the market as the typical Realtor, there is no reason why a home seller should pay a 5% commission. When you price a home correctly and expose the home to as many internet sites as possible it will sell and without much effort. The buyer will typically have an agent they are working with, but very often they will locate the home themselves and then have their agent set up a showing and write an offer. That is why the company I work for CataList … (1 comments)


Grant Huffman

Santa Monica, CA

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CataList Homes Inc.

Office: 310(399) 860-6202

Fax: (310) 399-8680



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