forclosures in birmingham: Blood, Sweat and Tears - 03/20/08 02:51 AM
 Hello Everyone,
It seems as if the offers I'm writing in this day and time and the market we are in have been extremely difficult. Buyer are wanting to low ball and sellers are taking these offers personally. And as hard as we try as agents to keep this from happening it does anyway. The past few days I have been on both sides, I have written a low offer for a client and as hard as I tried to get my client to keep the offer real or counterable he just was not going to change his mind so as you know with … (1 comments)

forclosures in birmingham: A Big THANK YOU to All My previous clients - 02/24/08 02:02 AM
Calling my database list calling and re-calling my previous clients is starting to pay off and I want to thank all of my current and previous clients for believing in me and referring me to they're friends. I have really been hitting the phone keys lately to my client list to see if they or any friends or family or both needed had any Real Estate Needs. Also asked if they are considering selling in the next 6 months or so to see if I can stop by and do a CMA just to see where everything is at in they're neighborhood. … (0 comments)


Gary Love

Birmingham, AL

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Gary Love & RealtySouth

Office: (205) 663-3895

Mobile: (295) 965-8665



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