marketing: Map your Listings and Tour Insights on Facebook!
- 06/29/16 06:00 AM
Relola does it again! Agents can now display their Expert Insights for any property they tour and their corresponding map on their professional Facebook Page. This is awesome. With one click you can literally be all over the internet with Relola - and it's free! Yippee! Check out James Hoff. (1 comments)
marketing: This Map Displays Agent Listings and Properties Previewed!
- 06/24/16 05:27 AM
Relola just launched a Map feature that displays agent activity, and this can be displayed on any website with the simple to install widget. Relola will even install it for free for the non-techie agent! Check out how it looks on the profile page of Kit Fitzgerald
Relola's widgets allow agents to share their insights about any property they tour and then they show up on every site that the agent has the widget installed on. Check out the homepage of BH&GRE Wilkins and Associates, which shows insights of all agents fresh from the field. Owner, Christine Wilkins reports that they saw an immediate (1 comments)
marketing: Agents are Thrilled - Relola Insights Can Show-up EVERYWHERE!
- 05/18/16 02:27 AM
Agents today are ineffectively trolling the consumer waters fishing for good leads. Consumers crave original content about the products they are interested in. Agents are the prime source of up to date information about new homes for sale, yet they aren’t putting this to work for them.
Today Agents set out to sea on their fishing boats, filled with shiny lures and bait, but no fishing poles. They bounce around on the waters waiting for fish to jump into the boat. This is the equivalent advertising on Zillow or, where agents are portrayed as no more than a headshot and a (1 comments)
1. Upload your photo, bio and testimonials. 2. Include your contact info, website and social connections. 3. Share Expert Insights about all of your listing! 4. Add additional photos, floorplans, and any documents you think will help your listing sell. 5. Share and boost your Expert Insights for your listings on Facebook. This is an awesome way to reach your sphere and beyond!
Check out the following video at:
marketing: How to Sell More Homes this week using Relola
- 04/06/16 07:13 AM
Relola's Facebook feature makes it super easy to find buyers for properties you have toured. Here's how it works: 1. Tour a Property and take notes and pictures. 2. Share your Expert Insights using the easy Relola form. You can do this on your smart phone on the website (which is responsive and easy to use) or back at your computer. 3. After you complete the form push the arrow button at the bottom of the form to share on your Facebook Page. 4. Make comments such as "I was just at this adorable Bungalow. It is near public transit and close to my favorite coffee (0 comments)
marketing: Relola Lets Agents Share Photos of Homes For Sale
- 03/19/16 07:23 AM
Relola is the first real estate search site to allow agents to share photos of properties they have toured. The images show up below the Listing Agent's photos similar to the way they user photos show up on Airbnb. Agents can share descriptions of the photos they contribute and tag them with pertinent attributes. This is an incredible way to increase your hyperlocal SEO! Consider your profile page on Relola a super easy way to blog and demonstrate you expertise in your market. Here is an image showing how it works. First you share your insights by completing the simple 8 question form (1 comments)
marketing: Three Simple Ways to Turbo Charge Your Real Estate Business with Relola
- 03/03/16 02:27 AM
Relola is the first search site created by real estate agents to go up against the giants like Zillow and It’s premise is that agents are the experts who have the information buyers and sellers really want, and so it has created a beautiful platform where agent insights rule. The benefit for hard working agents is they stand out front and center. The benefit for buyers and sellers is that they finally have a place to discover the agent that is the best fit for them based on their contribution to Relola.
Smart agents have figured out how to work magic (2 comments)
marketing: Home Buyers - Relola is for YOU!
- 02/27/16 07:23 AM
Buyers - On Relola you can get answers to all the questions you have about homes you are intersted in from the agents who have already seen them! Relola is the first real estate search site created by agents to give buyers direct access to their market expertise without treating them like leads. This is the first listing portal to offer buyers a "safe search". On the "conversations" tab buyers are invited to ask questions about any property on the market, and the Relola agent members who have visited the house will answer in a sort of facebook style format for that (3 comments)