real estate: Fact or Fluff? - 06/13/07 05:55 AM
To begin, I want to apologize to my regular readership for the long delay in between blog posts.  Thankfully my regular readership only consists of my wife and other close family member that I force to read my blog.  Thankfully one of the reasons for my lack of posts is the continued growth of our business, which is never a bad thing in real estate.
Apology done, I now want to turn to a bit of a pet peeve of mine in the residential real estate industry.  Before I moved into real estate several years ago, I spent about five years as a litigator … (2 comments)

real estate: Can I Give You the Shirt Off My Back...PLEASE? - 03/31/07 07:34 AM
I had to finally sit down and address one of my pet peeves in the real estate industry, but a little background first.  I spent 5+ years in a mid-sized law firm litigating cases and negotiating various settlements in lawsuits.  I quickly learned that negotiation is an art form and not a science, but also that many different styles of negotiation can be effective.  That said, I am constantly amazed when I read the listings of some real estate agents.  They are stealing their client's money, and they don't even seem to realize it.
Some agents believe that their job is to sell their clients' … (9 comments)

real estate: A Real Estate Investment Plan for Beginners - 03/19/07 08:53 AM
The number of real estate investors that decide to purchase their first investment property without a plan of action in place is staggering.  It seems that every week or so you hear a story about an investment property that has been foreclosed upon or placed under short-sale status.  Real estate investing, however, is no different than any other type of investing.  It requires forethought, proper planning, and discipline to achieve the desired goals.  This article provides a simple yet proven effective plan for a beginning real estate investor wishing to invest for the long term to grow their initial investment into a sizable … (13 comments)

real estate: Umm...Could I Get an Umbrella Over Here? - 02/28/07 03:45 AM
I wanted to take a moment and let the rest of the Rainers know a success story brought about because of this wonderful network on ActiveRain.  I posted a blog a while back about the basic rules of a 1031 Exchange.  I tend to work with a lot of investors, and with my background in finance and law I have a little knowledge of the inner workings of the tax code and like-kind exchanges and simply decided to post a brief article that I and others could use as a quick reference in a 1031 Exchange.
Little did I know, however, the … (4 comments)

real estate: 'Almost New' Homes Better Than 'New' When Investing in Real Estate - 01/30/07 01:53 AM
One investing trend that has really picked up speed lately involves investing in "Almost New" homes rather than new homes.  Many out of state investors have learned that maintenance and property management can be very difficult when you are not near the property, even with a great property manager.  In addition, it is much more difficult to estimate costs and expenses on older homes because huge maintenance issues occasionally occur.
For this reason, many investors turned toward investing in new homes in the size and price range for young families.  Lately, however, savvy out of state investors in the Dallas/Fort Worth area have instead turned … (3 comments)


Steven Holcomb

Esq. - BBA, JD, GRI

Plano, TX

More about me…

Keller Williams Realty

Address: 3600 Preston Rd. #100, Plano, TX, 75093

Office: (972) 599-7000

Mobile: (214) 334-6454

A place to learn, laugh and just plain marvel at the trials and travails of various real estate professionals and their clients. Brought to you by a Realtor and sometimes Attorney serving the Dallas area real estate market.



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