Where are the basements in new homes in Chapel Hill and the Triangle Area of NC? Marianne Howell Wright Certified Eco Broker,Triangle Area Real Estate That’s a question I get a lot from out of state clients so I thought I’d show you a basement under construction and talk about why we don’t have many in this part of NC. The first reason basement building is limited is our heavy clay soil. Water won’t drain through the soil away from the house and an underground basement would be wet. Another reason is foundations should be dug 12” inches below (2 comments)
Hi! It's pretty easy to find all houses for sale on the Internet but not so easy to find out about the neighborhoods. I have had clients come to town in love with a home they saw on line and then be crushed because the neighborhood is not what they want at all. I hope my neighborhood videos help you see what our neighborhoods are really like. Today we are going to take a tour of Winmore, a Carrboro neighborhood with a Chapel Hill address with my client Sharon. Sharon, her husband and son have lived in France for (5 comments)
chapel hill: Builder Deposits in a New Home Neighborhood
- 12/29/10 05:15 AM
Builder Deposits in a New Home Neighborhood The first step in buying a resale or building is the same, meet with a lender and get pre-approved. The pre-approval is only as good as the information you provide your lender. It pays to be very through at this stage because you don't want expensive surprises later. Your lender will check your credit and review your income and debts to determine the loan amount you will be approved for and the loan options. You will discuss what is a comfortable payment for you, what cash you will need for a down payment, (0 comments)
chapel hill: Luxury Solar near Chapel Hill NC
- 09/04/10 02:57 AM
270 Bingham Ridge Drive Energy efficient active and passive solar home~ Located near Chapel Hill, NC. For sale $600,000
This comfortable home is full of luxury features ,is energy star rated and includes both active and passive solar power to create green energy. Help offset your energy costs and help protect our environment by selling your green solar generated power to Progress Energy's grid with any remaining power going toward our future energy usage.
Passive solar features include south facing windows for warmth in the winter and deep overhangs for summer cooling. The active solar features are photovoltaic (0 comments)
chapel hill: Chapel Hill Schools and Chapel Hill Addresses
- 08/19/10 12:24 PM
What County is Chapel Hill, NC in? You would think this question should have a simple answer! The short answer is that the Town of Chapel Hill is in Orange County, NC. The long answer goes like this... There are areas surrounding the Town of Chapel Hill ,with a Chapel Hill address, in both Chatham, Durham and Orange Counties. There are also areas with a Chapel Hill address that are in the Carrboro municipality. It is really a matter of postal areas determining the address. If the Chapel Hill address is in Chatham County the homes will have low Chatham County (0 comments)
chapel hill: Chapel Hill, NC, Chatham County~Governors Park
- 08/14/10 09:31 AM
Governors Park, Chapel Hill, NC produced by Marianne Howell Wright on WellcomeMat Governors Park is one of the Governors community of neighborhoods in Chatham County with a Chapel Hill address. Chatham County taxes are quite a bit lower than the surrounding areas. With about 240 homes Governors Park is located adjacent to Governors Club and across the road from Governors Village and Governors Lake. The homes are priced somewhere between Governors Village (home prices in the upper 300's), and Governors Lake (prices in the 400,000's and low 500,000's). Governors Park prices have been solidly in the 400,000's for the past few (0 comments)
Here are the market statistics for June and comparasons with last year. Chapel Hilland Carrboro Chatham County Orange County Durham County Hillsborough Sales have been up mostly I think because of the rush to take advantage of the tax credit but with the incredably low rates and and some real deals available I expect the market here to be stable. The really desirable homes that are priced right still sell quickly and I would advise being careful that you don't buy a dog just to get a good deal because the homes with problems are (0 comments)
chapel hill: Lake Hogan Farms~Why Barb Pater moved her family from San Diego
- 08/01/10 10:20 AM
Barb Pater, a Chapel Hill, NC real estate broker talks about why she moved her family from San Diego to Chapel Hill 13 years ago. Barbara Pater Lives in Lake Hogan Farms produced by Marianne Howell Wright on WellcomeMat (0 comments)
chapel hill: A Tour of Governors Village~Bean and Barrel
- 06/05/10 08:56 AM
Governors Village and the Bean and Barrel Real Estate is Hungry (and Thirsty) Work! Search Governors Village Homes for SaleHi, I'm Marianne Howell Wright and today we are going to take a tour of Governors Village, a Chatham County neighborhood with a Chapel Hill address. Governors Village homes range in price from the mid 300's to the mid 400's. There are fairly strict ARB requirements in the neighborhood. The homes all have a similar architecture, white picket fences and small neat lots. Inside the homes are bright and open. Most have screened porches and all garages are the back which (0 comments)
chapel hill: First Time Buyer~Your first lender meeting
- 02/25/10 01:13 AM
Hi, I'm Marianne Howell Wright and today Laura Hall with Corporate Investors Mortgage Group in Chapel Hill is going to tell us what to expect at your first lender meeting for pre-qualification. (0 comments)
The Chatham Arts Council Gallery and Coldwell Banker HPW are partnering to bring art to the community with a special gallery located in the Coldwell Banker HPW office in Chapel Hill. Artists represented include: Elaine Rhodes photography Deborah Sanks ~ French impressionistic painting Murry Handler~ Abstract painting and prints Marcelle Harwell Pachnowski~ abstract paintings Tamera Mulanix~ metal sculpture Florence Johnson~watercolor painterAnne Bigelow~painterJohn Makowski~ceramic paintings There will be an opening reception Feb. 19th from 6-9 PM at the new satellite art gallery located in the Coldwell Banker HPW office in Chapel Hill. If you are in Chapel Hill please stop by. have a glass of wine, something good to eat and enjoy the art. If you can't make it the gallery will be open (0 comments)
chapel hill: Briar Chapel at Fearrington
- 01/28/10 05:28 AM
Last night Briar Chapel Hosted a special dinner celebration at Fearrington House for Realtors who have supported the neighborhood.The focus of the evening was food, fun, and wine. Representatives of the builders were there. Shirley from Vanguard Homes was really happy about a weekend sale. Her buyer had been waiting to sell her home before she could buy and it finally happened!
I haven't been to Fearrington at night for a long time and I was amazed at how pretty it was with the lights hanging in the trees. The dinner was held in the Garden Room which is popular (2 comments)
chapel hill: The Coldwell Banker HPW office is Tickled Pink!
- 10/29/09 02:30 AM
Tickled Pink is A fundraiser to provide direct support to cancer patients and their families through UNC's Comprehensive Cancer Support Program (CCSP) at the new N.C. Cancer Hospital. The UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and the N.C. Cancer Hospital
The Chapel Hill office of Coldwell Banker HPW turned fall decorations pink, including a pink pumpkin patch, as part of an initiative to Turn the Town Pink for the month of October to show support for the Tickled Pink fundraiser.
Every year the Chapel Hill office of CBHPW volunteers to wait tables, set and clear tables and help (0 comments)
chapel hill: Fearrington Village, Chatham County~It's a date!
- 08/03/09 07:03 AM
It's a date! One night while at dinner in a popular Chapel Hill restaurant I overhead a 30's something guy at the next table (the tables are REALLY close there) telling a friend that his favorite place to take a date was McIntyre's books in Fearrington Village. I thought that was kind of surprising so I continued to listen, paying attention to my husband at the same time. It seems that a book store is free and at McIntyre's there is always something going on.
After visiting the bookstore there are shops to explore, good food to (0 comments)
chapel hill: Briar Chapel ~Chapel Hill~Chatham County
- 03/06/09 11:04 PM
One of the most exciting new neighborhoods in the Triangle is Briar Chapel located in Chatham County just outside of Chapel Hill. As one of the first of the Triangles first certified EcoBrokers I've had a special interest in neighborhoods that provide a true green built and designed environment.Briar Chapel is a green built mixed use neighborhood of 1589 acres with 900 of the acres dedicated to open space which will never be developed. Twenty four miles of interactive walking and biking trails wind through the rolling hills and woods of the neighborhood. There are parks, ponds, a winding creek (1 comments)
chapel hill: Chapel Hill, Chatham and Orange Fourth Quarter 2008 Market Summary
- 02/06/09 12:47 AM
I've been waiting for these numbers about the Chapel Hill, Orange, and Chatham Counties real estate market and I'm not surprised with the findings. I'm not sure why but things seemed to have picked up since the first of the year maybe because of the low rates. There is mortgage money available for those with good credit and a little money. FHA loans require 3.5% down now but that can be a gift and that's often how first time buyers buy. A buyer with good credit and 20% down can pretty much write their own ticket and close in 30 days. (0 comments)
chapel hill: Wexford~ A classic neighborhood in Carrboro with a Chapel Hill address.
- 12/30/08 05:46 AM
Wexford Entry Wexford, located in Orange County, NC, is one of several Carrboro neighborhoods with a Chapel Hill address. Other neighborhoods with this same confusing address issue include established neighborhoods like Sunset Creek and Lake Hogan Farms, and new neighborhoods like Claremont and Winmore. Carrboro and Chapel Hill share a school system Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools but have separate governments. The tax rate for the Carrboro properties is about .10 per hundred higher than Chapel Hill because of the smaller commercial tax base. The address is really a function of the post office which happens to be in Chapel Hill. (0 comments)