reno real estate: Home Buyers: Hit A Home Run By Looking At Your Home's Price Per Square Foot!
- 07/01/09 06:45 AM
By: Mowdee Other articles you might like: Advantages and disadvantages of short sales and foreclosures in Reno. Confessions: A short sale "expert" in Reno. Here's how to find out the price per square foot of a home: Value of home: $160,000 Square Feet: 2,130 Sq. Ft. (divide the two): $160,000 / 2,130 Sq. Ft = 75.12 Price Per Square Foot: $75.12
So how do you know if it's a good deal or not? You would need to do a little bit of research-ask for past year's (5-10 years) prices of homes in your area. Your real estate (0 comments)
“Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals.” -David Ogilvy, "pope of advertising"
By: Joe Salcedo of Reno Real Estate Blog
Understanding your market can put you ahead not by $4,000 or $4,000 or even $140,000 but as much as $155,000. Or if you choose not to heed, pick $155,000 from your pocket. My client April (not her real name) was strongly advised (with graphs to show her) to sell her house in August of 2007. She waited till the market got better. We could have sold it (6 comments)
Other articles you might like: CONFESSIONS OF A RENO SHORT SALE EXPERT SHORT SALES AND FORECLOSURES IN RENO(collection of 20+ articles) 1. Relying on The News for Direction If you want to know the latest about Levi whatshisname and Bristol Palin. News is the way to go. Mainstream media are helpful for many things--what's happening in your community, events shaking the world, who's hot who's not or if you want to know if it's going to be sunny tomorrow. They are not to be relied upon (6 comments)
"I haven't seen a monument erected to a pessimist" Oh what a refeshing quote to hear in this dire financial crisis we're in. But where do we draw the line between being an optimist and in touch with the brutal truth of reality? There's a fine line. I love what Jim Stockedale said "confront the brutal facts, but never lose hope that in the end we will prevail." Now that's more like it. Can you imagine what would happen to our profession's credibility if we put into that into practice?! I sense people are looking (14 comments)
Now, you're looking for a house. You've done a bit of research. You've been pre-approved by your lender. You've talked about the budget. You've chosen an agent to represent you. If you haven't,--Joe Salcedo is here =)
So What's next?
Selling and listing prices are usually different From 2002-2006, many homes sold for more than the asking price. Buyers were competing against each other. Now, about 80% of homes sold in Reno are below the asking (1 comments)
Have you found yourself on those moments when you read something that's written straight from the heart and you just say to yourself, "wow thanks for putting on paper what I can't explain inside." That was me thirty minutes ago when I accidentally stumbled upon this article, and from all places, a blogger in Reno. I'm telling you, Reno is much more than topless women and blackjacks.
I'm aware that letters like these invoke some kind of "weird-guilt". But that's not my purpose--to make you feel bad. Actually, it's more of an "weird-encouragement", that if (2 comments)
" I don't trust a person whose never been depressed," Dan Betzer once said.
The number one disease in our industry is blind optimism. I love my profession. I love NAR. I love how the past three years has been the hardest times in my career. "This market will separate the men from the boys," said JoAnne Correira- ain't that the truth. Yet through these three years I have grown emotionally,professionally,mentally even spiritually at a pace that would put Michael Schumacher to shame. But if we want our profession to survive and thrive in the next hundred (2 comments)
reno real estate: Reno Real Estate Market: Where art thou my love?
- 12/14/07 10:47 AM
Reno Real estate market where art Thou? It could be extremely frustrating to get an objective opinion on How the Reno Real Estate Market is really doing. You have the people in the real estate industry on our seemingly blind faith that everything would be ok. And that it's time to buy right now: 'there are great deals out there' I wish it was that simple. I think it's better if you the consumers decide for yourself what's good for you. Besides, you're the one who knows your financial standing like no one else does. Now what I can do is present (0 comments)
Notes: Data includes all single family stick built homes,condos,and manufactured home sales in the MLS database. It does not include sales made " By owner" or most new home sales,which do not participate in the MLS system.Raw data Provided by: Nevada Small Business Development Center,University of Nevada, Reno (0 comments)
Notes: Data includes all single family stick built homes,condos,and manufactured home sales in the MLS database. It does not include sales made " By owner" or most new home sales,which do not participate in the MLS system.Raw data Provided by: Nevada Small Business Development Center,University of Nevada, Reno (0 comments)
Notes: Data includes all single family stick built homes,condos,and manufactured home sales in the MLS database. It does not include sales made " By owner" or most new home sales,which do not participate in the MLS system.Raw data Provided by: Nevada Small Business Development Center,University of Nevada, Reno (0 comments)
Notes: Data includes all single family stick built homes,condos,and manufactured home sales in the MLS database. It does not include sales made " By owner" or most new home sales,which do not participate in the MLS system.Raw data Provided by: Nevada Small Business Development Center,University of Nevada, Reno (0 comments)
reno real estate: Rib Cook-Off 2007 Reno-Sparks NV
- 09/09/07 06:54 PM
Wedesday. Aug 29,2007 A friend of mine called me and told me that a local band was playing in the Annual Labor Day Weekend Reno Rib Cook Off. It was being held in front of the John Ascuaga's Nugget. A few minutes away from Downtown Reno. I phoned my folks to get ready and make sure to 'prepare' hungry.
This year twenty-four barbecue teams from all over the country,and hundreds of thousands of visitors visit Sparks and John Ascuaga's Nugget for the six-day event that is widely considered the biggest, most prestigious rib-cooking event in the United States.
reno real estate: 300 Sunny days in Reno,NV
- 09/09/07 06:52 PM
People often talk about sunsets and sunrises. How it could just make you feel alive. Sunrise and sunsets have always been used as a backdrop for poetry,painting,arts. Those things that feed our souls. There is something about the sun that just makes me feel alive. Haven't you noticed why it seems that every time we lie down on the beach or stroll around the park in the noonday sun.- We just feel a lot better. Try it. When you feel exhausted or overwhelmed with the everyday happenings. Go outside. Be quiet. Lie down on the grass. See if it changes anything. (0 comments)
reno real estate: Cont..Tips when buying a home in Reno-Sparks NV
- 09/09/07 06:47 PM
When is a good time to buy a home in the Reno-Sparks area? is a question you might be asking yourself for quite a while now... I was having a conversation with a client of mine last Tuesday. He's been looking for a home in Reno for the the past 3 months. Joe and I have been showing him properties that have fitted with what he was looking for in a home. One of which is a brand new home in the up and coming neighborhood in Damonte Ranch. He really likes it and told me that it is the number (0 comments)