
  "On April 30th 2007, the Blogosphere will hold a One-Day Blog Silence in honor of the victims at Virginia Tech.  More then 30 died at the US college massacre."
With all this talk about Green from our our own Dena and JaneAnn, I started doing a little research and came upon a great article and site that are so refreshing, I needed to share it with you.Neal Woodburn of Gadling - the travelers weblog, starts off by saying "It wasn't so long ago that "envir...
Every year, our biggest newspaper, The Miami Herald, asks readers to vote on the Hottest places, things and events in South Florida and I thought I would share a couple of these.BEST CAFE CUBANO - (for those of you that are non-Spanish speakers it means Cuban Coffee:  a type of espresso stirred w...
Some of you have commented about "Miami's safety" and it is a subject I would have never come up with on my own.  I remember living in Tallahasse, Florida my first year of college and people asking me with a look of shock and surprise "You are from Miami?  Wow, that must be scary!", or "The furth...
Ardell DellaLoggia  who I admire a great deal, had no idea that I was an architect and asked how I incorporate my architecture background into our Real Estate Business.  So here it is Ardell, thanks for asking:I graduated with a bachelor's degree in architecture from the University of Miami, and ...
Part I of this series listed the diferent blog formats as identified by Amy Gahran in Paul Chaney's book, Realty Blogging.As an exercise for Project Blogger, Paul asked me to write a post with each format with the idea that I would feel comfortable with each and identify my weakness (I'm not sure...
Nick M. has demonstrated to be a SUPER COOL GUY with a great sense of humor. We all remember his post entitled Everything I ever learned about Real Estate, I learned from Surfing. , or how about How to become a Real Estate Appraiser in South Florida ?  His comments are always welcome because they...
As many of you know, one of my assignments for Project Blogger, from coach extraordinaire, Paul Chaney, was to write one or 2 posts using the different formats outlined in his book, Realty Blogging.At the beginning of the assignment, Paul wrote about each format in detail and gave credit to Amy G...
A few years ago, while a board member of the Miami Shores Historic Preservation Board, I created, with the help of other board members, an educational brochure for our community.  The brochure included the image shown as well as a brief history of Miami Shores and its development back in the 1920...
 Here in Miami Shores I get asked this question a lot?  Why aren't houses selling? Well....Today Rick came up with this great article in MSN Money called 6 Reasons Houses Don't Sell by (yes, it was chuckles please). Make sure you read the article, our own Lenn Harley was q...

Rick & Ines - Miami Beach Real Estate

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