home based business: My Advice to the Wise Investor - 09/16/10 09:45 AM

The American housing market may have officially crossed the line from correction to stabilization. Historically, after stabilization the phases are recovery and revival. All entrepreneurs should take a close look at real estate investment opportunities over the next few years, since this is when the money is really made.
As you can imagine, timing the real estate cycle is critical to achieving big returns on investment. Of course, there are other strategic objectives like picking winning markets, purchasing investment properties, increasing value by rehabbing the property, maximizing cash flow in any market and more. This article, though, is dedicated to … (1 comments)

home based business: Be Careful Not to Over-Improve! - 08/04/10 11:34 AM
From the desk of C,J Lauria
Boy, can we make a house shine when we throw some money at it!  In the world of real estate investing, though, investment properties must be profitable.  Without a clear understanding of certain basic investment principles, your real estate home business can quickly transform itself into no more than a very expensive hobby.
In past articles I have spoken about focusing on repairs – not remodeling.  This is mostly most true in cases of the average and below-average investment properties.  Even when handling a higher-end property, caution is needed so that your precious profits are … (0 comments)

home based business: A Lease Option May Be The Answer - 07/19/10 10:37 AM
From the desk of C.J Lauria
Are you a real estate investor and are looking to maximize your returns in this wacky market?  More and more real estate investment experts are opting to go offer lease option contracts to selected tenants of their investment properties.
Today’s market climate has bred a near-perfect opportunity for those operating a real estate home business to create profits and help families to reestablish their homeownership status along the way.
Let’s examine some of the benefits of pursuing a lease option contract with your tenants:

· This is a quick way to sell your … (0 comments)

home based business: Are You Sick and Tired of All These REI “Gurus” with More Programs to Sell? - 07/14/10 10:03 AM
From the desk of C.J.Lauria
Permit me to rant a little about something that absolutely “gets my goat.”  It is the ongoing real estate investment scam of the century.  From the late night infomercial to the “free” webinars, there are a plethora of programs for sale by people who had successes in yesteryear and want to capitalize on that while they rest on their laurels.  What I mean is, there are a number of systems, methods and techniques that may have yielded profits in past markets yet they don’t work now.  The problem is that hundreds of thousands of unwary, … (2 comments)

home based business: Are You Right for MENTOR for LIFE ? - 07/12/10 07:34 AM
From the desk of C. J Lauria
What an interesting question!  “Of course, I’m right!”  Well, are you?  Unlike the majority of REI programs for sale, “Mentor for Life”™really only wants qualified applicants to enter their program.  Why?  Because,  it’s “for life.”
When I founded this company, Invesdoor™, I had already determined to surround myself with like-minded individuals who share my vision of business.  Right off the bat this eliminated anyone who was in any way greedy, dishonest, lazy, irresponsible or negative.
Now let’s dwell on the positive aspects of qualification.  Shall we?  It’s really very simple, actually, if you … (0 comments)

home based business: Mentor for Life Concept and Why it Works - 07/09/10 11:19 AM
From the desk of C.J Lauria

“Mentor for Life”™  What a concept.  The mere title indicates that long after one is trained and coached in the desired career path, the Mentor is still available because he cares about his protégé.  In a moment we will discuss why this concept is so effective and how it is possible to achieve.
In my last two articles in this series we discussed the need to have a real estate mentor who is seasoned, a good instructor, innovative and full of integrity.  Now we want to examine if and how it is possible to have such a mentorship … (0 comments)

home based business: Red Flags To Avoid in a Mentor - 07/07/10 12:21 PM
From the desk of C.J Lauria
In my last article we discussed the importance of finding a real estate mentor with well-rounded experience and success, but also skilled in the art of teaching.  They would have to be patient, open-minded and innovative.
The word innovative is key when it comes to real estate investing.  This is because as the market goes through its cycles, methods and techniques must change.  What worked a few years ago just doesn’t apply now, period!  That’s why these “gurus” who claim to offer the “end-all” system for wealth in real estate investment make me laugh.  Actually, … (1 comments)

home based business: Start a Recession-Proof Home Business Today - 07/05/10 01:09 PM
From the desk of C.J Lauria
In my many real-estate-investment-related articles, I have at times stated that we are faced with the “perfect storm” for wholesaling investment properties.  While the current state of the economy and housing market is prime for real estate investing, there is another factor that we have not yet considered.
I would like to address the present financial status of the many desirous of starting a home business in the real estate industry.  As many of my readers know, my company, Invesdoor™, came up with the “Mentor for Life”™ plan for entrepreneurs across the country.  Each week … (1 comments)

C. J. Lauria, R.E. Investing Guru (Invesdoor Corp.)

C. J. Lauria

R.E. Investing Guru

El Dorado Hills, CA

More about me…

Invesdoor Corp.

Address: 2201 FRANCISCO DRIVE, ste. 140-108, EL DORADO HILLS, CA, 95762

Fax: 916-941-7707

Office: 916-941-7676



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