london: Training. Education. Only time will tell where it will end up
- 03/13/08 11:24 AM
Training, Education. Only time will tell where it will end up. Since I have been on AR. I have read the blogs and comments written with regards to the types of training and no training, professionals or hobbists, certified or non certified. Each have been defended. Hopefully, sooner that much later standards in education for staging will been in place. We have RESA working towards that goal. But it all takes time. Any 3 day in class or 2 hours on line course is fast tracking. I have often seen written that Staging is not Decorating. True - because of the reason (10 comments)
london: I was on the first page in the search for home stagers in London Ontario
- 02/16/08 11:14 PM
I was on the first page in the search for home stagers in London Ontario, but now I can't find myself. I don't know how I got there in the first place. Have I done something wrong or should I be doing something else? SEO is totally new to me. (4 comments)
london: Home Staging. If you are thinking of selling your home in the Spring
- 02/16/08 07:04 AM
Home Staging. If you are thinking of selling your home in the Spring, now is the time to be preparing your home for sale. Even if you are planning or thinking about it in the future it is never to early. A Home Stager can help plan and prepare the packaging and marketing of your house to show it as well maintained and ready to move into.. To bring in trades that may be needed to paint and repair can be difficult. There is a shortage of trades like painters, plumbers, and electricians. They are scheduled way ahead of time for their projects. (3 comments)
london: I have been MeMe'd
- 01/19/08 08:42 AM
I was contacted by Kimberely Uksik, that it was my turn. I was born in Bermuda in 65'. That puts me over 40, More like almost 43. I Left when I was 3, because my parents made me. I do go and visit when I can. I have lived a city life in Toronto and Brantford and now live a country life in the small hamlet of Coldstream just outside of London, Ontario. I have lived here for 16 years raising my 4 kids ages 12 - 16. Oh and my other big kid my husband Dave of 21 years. How time flies. (11 comments)
london: Don't Give Up - Restructure
- 01/06/08 12:09 AM
Lori Polk has written a blog about a friend who has given up on her business after a short period of time. Any business takes a good 5 years to establish and by that I mean even break even. Staging as we know is a fairly new industry. In some parts of the country it has been around for a number of years in others a few. Realistically it is what a I call a luxury service, just as Interior Design. I have heard many knowledgable speakers in the industry say - the money is to be made with those who have money (13 comments)
Working with Realtors - By intergrating home Staging into your marketing you are establishing your reputation as a Realtor who shows his listings at their best. Creating a team of professionals will save you marketing dollars and save client money. We work with Realtors, to address issues, and recommend solutions and ideas to the homeowners, to improve and repair their homes to show them as, well maintained and ready to move in. This allows the realtor to use their time and (6 comments)
london: Outdated Bathrooms - What can be done
- 11/20/07 05:40 AM
I had a client who had their house on the market for over 1 1/2 years. When I walked in she wanted to know what was outdated. The house was 24 years old and well maintained but never renovated. The following bathroom had canary yellow fixtures. Any potential buyer would see tons of $$$$ flying out the room. As usual budget was a concern. My recommendations was to resurface the tub and tiles, change the toilet and a new floor. Even though it cost $450 Cdn. just to resurface the tub it made a huge impact. I feel this is a good (11 comments)
london: Help! I need help uploading photos.
- 11/08/07 04:17 AM
I need help loading pictures up to AR and other places. I Have already uploaded some but I can not remember how I did it. I can't remember how to resize it and what size it should be. On top of it all I have dial up. They haven't given us rural folks any high speed yet. I would appreciate any help. Thanks (11 comments)
london: Networking and Marketing
- 11/05/07 05:12 AM
I am interested in compiling a list of marketing and networking strategies, for all stagers or for that matter anyone starting a business. I believe if we can all participate, we can have a great compilation that anyone can refer to, to get inspired with new ideas to build their business
I will start with: 1. Shmooze, shmooze. Meeting people is a great for name recognition. In a group settings always keep you ear out for potential clients and approach them first. Don't forget to give them your card. 2. Join a networking group in your area. Some of them put out magazines that you can write (3 comments)
london: Canadian Stagers
- 10/26/07 03:06 AM
I have been Reading at the times some of our fellow AR Stagers Get together. I am sending out an invitation to those in the Ontario Area and whomever can make it to get together. I am in London, Ontario. But we could find a midpoint - Toronto to meet. What do you think? It would also be nice if any of our fellow AR REaltors would like to join. (10 comments)
london: Staging, Who are we staging for and Budgets
- 10/24/07 09:19 AM
Since May I have had 30 consults and have staged 3 homes. A lot more than I expected. Each one has been successful so far. I'll have to upload pictures when I can get it to work. I have noticed that the majority of home sellers are middle working class and have a very limited budget. Most are willing to do all the work themselves. So I give them as much of the info I can in my report, because very few are going to have you stage. It is very important when we consult with them that we not only do our site (16 comments)
london: Welcome Mel Muir to Active Rain, Home Stager
- 10/24/07 08:26 AM
Welcome Mel to AR. Mel is from London, Ontario and we met through the school which we have studied Interior Design and Staging. Mel everyone is very helpful when you asked questions. You probably will be busy just trying to read as much as possible, so you may want to put a large pot of coffee on. Don't be surprised to find that many hours go by quickly when you are on AR. Chat soon. (4 comments)
london: Trying to control an addiction
- 07/24/07 01:00 PM
Well I started on AR a few months ago and it is an addicting place. All the great info and riveting discussions. I have been on everyday for a few (???) hours. Amazing how time flies by. All along struggeling to keep up with all the reading. Haven't caught up yet. Then I said to myself, I needed to curb this addiction by limiting my visits to once or twice a week. Well there you go you miss too much when you are not on here everyday. I would have enjoyed listenening to Debra Gould on CBC. But missed the FYI (14 comments)
london: Getting the home owner to follow through
- 07/19/07 11:44 AM
The business is starting to pick up. I have had all consults. Some of the houses are in great shape and just needed de-cluttering and rearranging of furniture. The clients followed through. But I have been getting homes that need to remove wall paper, and paint and I just get a flat out no. I know if they only painted they could sell the house much quicker and possibly closer to asking. I always mention potential buyers are looking for fresh, well maintained ready to move into homes even if they plan on changing things. Are you experiencing this as well. Any suggestions so (4 comments)
london: Now that the nice weather is here
- 06/23/07 02:34 AM
Now that the nice weather is here, has anyone started any new projects outside or insidein their homes. As we all know when we are so busy, where and when does one find the time to even think about projects for our own homes. I invite you to share. We may get some ideas. We may even get solutions to problems we are having in our own project if we ask. This years project is to complete all of the almost finished projects. Like the tree house built 2 years ago.The slate around the base cabinet of the outdoor kitchen. Finish and organize (0 comments)
london: Just wanted to share some good results.
- 06/18/07 04:41 AM
Just wanted to share some good results. I recently started staging. My work has involved just consultations. Even though I did not stage the homes, The clients followed through with most of the recommendations. Except for 1 house (it does look great, but too small) the houses have all sold during the first showing with multiple offers. One of the houses ended up selling furniture, that I had told the owners to place in the kitchen, because the buyer liked the atmosphere it created. I also had great feedback from the realtors. They were very impressed with the changes the clients had made on my (11 comments)
london: Getting sucked in for easy cash.
- 06/02/07 12:29 AM
Kate posted a blog about Flip This House Fraud??? in Stage it Forward. Great post by the way. It moved me to write this blog. It should make us think about how many times people get sucked in because of easy money. These sorts of things are not rare but quite common. Daily and hourly if the truth be told. Because of greed and the idea of fast cash. Greed encourages those to steal from others through ploys of easy money; and greed for that easy money, encourages many to hand over money blindly, without thinking things through. Don't get me wrong I love (0 comments)
london: Work just does not fall into our laps
- 06/01/07 11:18 AM
I met a couple of nice stagers today for the first time in my area. They recently studied staging and are working at marketing themselves but it is not always easy to get the work. Their course, did, in a round about way, glamourize the profession. They mentioned that there were some fellow students who quit there jobs to start up there business. If you need the income DONT QUIT YOUR JOB RIGHT AWAY. Like in any other business, it can easily take 5 years to have a successful business. It takes a lot of time and money to network and market your self. (12 comments)
london: Affordable Accessories Store - JYSK
- 05/16/07 02:21 AM
I just came across a store here in London Canada called JYSK. I do not know if it is Canadian or American company. I found that they carry some affordable accessories like pillow inserts and covers, drapery panels, towels, some indoor and outdoor furniture, storage baskets etc. (10 comments)
london: Who's paying for your consults - The Client or Agent
- 05/10/07 02:10 AM
Before I went out to meet agents. I researched what stagers were charging for consults. Since I am in Canada, I researched across Canada. I did speak to some friends as well, about their first impression about the cost. They found the cost high. Anyway I decided that If I wanted to get in the door I wanted the agents to get me there. So I lowered my consult for agents, so that they would carry the cost of the consult, and it would be a benefit to their clients. Who is paying for your consults - The client or agent? (15 comments)