real estate: Important Week for Economic Indicators - 10/15/07 02:16 PM
 Received on 10/15/07:
Market CommentMortgage bond prices fell last week pushing rates higher. The Fed minutes from the last meeting showed concerns of downside economic risk coupled with continued housing market weakness. However, the Fed indicated the recent easing seemed unlikely to fan inflation, which generally bodes well for bonds. Weaker than expected trade data helped the dollar improve slightly making dollar-denominated securities such as mortgage bonds more attractive to investors. For the week, interest rates on government and conventional loans rose by about 1/8 of a discount point.
The consumer price index data Wednesday will be the most important event this week. … (0 comments)

real estate: (Should) I feel guilty performing Field Inspections? - 09/30/07 02:11 PM
This has not been one of my better years.  And I have a GREAT life! 
I started dialysis last year (no worries, I'm doing fine).  I perform peritoneal dialysis at my home.  Very easy and convenient.  But earlier this year, it was a bad time.  I was sick for most of the first 6 months of 2007. And I don't mean feeling puny...I was SICK!
I couldn't eat, I kept fainting at my Open Houses, my homes weren't selling.  My sellers seemed oblivious to the rapidly changing market, and of course believed that although every other home in town had lost value, theirs … (5 comments)

real estate: FACING FORECLOSURE? YOU DO HAVE OPTIONS.... - 09/30/07 12:44 PM
FACING FORECLOSURE? Are you in serious trouble making your mortgage payments?  You are not alone.  There are many millions of good people just like you facing the possibility of losing their home. 
¿Está usted atrás en su hipoteca? ¿Necesita usted ayuda? Llámenos hoy para consulta libre. ¡Podemos ayudar! Llámenos hoy.  1-800-718-7950
You do  have alternatives.  And if we can't get your home sold through a short sale, you may indeed face foreclosure.  But let me try to help you NOW, before things get worse. 
Usted tiene las alternativas. Y si nosotros no podemos conseguir su hogar vendido por un venta en descubierto, … (0 comments)


Jackie Crockett

Fairfield, CA

More about me…

Century 21 Distinctive

Address: 301 Dickson Hill Rd. # A, Fairfield, CA, 94533

Office: (707) 429-2121

Mobile: (707) 372-9168



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