joplin mo realtor: 109 - 02/01/14 08:31 PM
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
Queen Mary 1 of England and Ireland 1516-1558) was a Catholic who had Protestants tortured and killed.  Her actions inspired the nickname Bloody Mary, which in turn inspired the cocktail.  I guess that’s why it’s red.  The last one for today is:  in 1975 and 1976, two brothers were killed.  The first was riding … (14 comments)

joplin mo realtor: Spiders - 01/31/14 08:19 PM
Spiders anyone?
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
Only about half of all spider species spin webs to catch their prey.  As you know all webs are made of silk.  The strands of silk are about .00012 inches in diameter.  Strand for strand it is stronger than steel of equal diameter.  It is also bacteria and fungi resistant. 
Now … (25 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 108 - 01/30/14 09:29 PM
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
Seventeenth-century Queen Anne of England gave birth to seventeen children.  Of these, only one made it past infancy, and even then the child lived until only the age of twelve.  The last one for today is: the host of a talk show in Florida. Christine Chubbock, signed off her show on July 15, 1974.  … (9 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 107 - 01/29/14 07:57 PM
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
Chicago’s Lincoln Park, created in 1864, was originally a burial ground.  The 120-acre cemetery had most of its graves removed and was expanded to more than 1,000 acres for recreational use.  My question is the fact said most of the graves.   I wonder how many are still there.  The last one for today is: … (13 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 106 - 01/28/14 08:10 PM
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
From its early use as “a cart for carrying heavy loads” to the modern “motor vehicle for carrying heavy loads,” the word “truck” definitively embodies the idea of moving goods—but the idea has come a long way.  The last one for today is: In ancient Greece, natural hair was viewed as sacred. In fact, Greeks would often … (8 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 105 - 01/27/14 07:59 PM
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
Convinced Great Britain was illegally subverting their liberties, colonists created the Second Continental Congress which then formed the Continental Army.  The last one for today is: The first documented attempts to treat drinking water are recorded in ancient Greek and Sanskrit writings that date back to 2000 B.C.
Now go out and tell … (7 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 104 - 01/26/14 07:50 PM
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
What most of the world understands as “pizza” is actually Pizza Napoletana—Neapolitan-style pizza—named for the place of its birth, the city of Naples. Baked in a hot wood-fired oven, Neapolitan pizza has a thicker, chewier crust of flour, water, yeast, salt, and sugar, drizzled with olive oil, and sprinkled with chopped tomatoes and mozzarella … (11 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 103 - 01/25/14 08:16 PM
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
In New York and Mississippi, a spouse can sue a third party for being responsible for the failure of a marriage in cases of what’s called “alienation of affection.  The last one for today is: Due to jobs, kids, TV, the Internet, hobbies, and home and family responsibilities, the average married couple spends just four minutes a … (12 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 102 - 01/24/14 08:13 PM
Trivia number 102
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
Only the polar bear is a true carnivore. All other bears are omnivores, or animals that eat both plants and meat.  Jellyfish range from the size of a thimble or the eraser tip of pencil to approximately 8 feet in diameter and tentacles that reach 200 feet. That is as long as two blue whales.  … (14 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 101 - 01/23/14 08:02 PM
eTrivia number 101
I believe some of these are going to start running together and I may from time to time repeat something I've already wrote about. If I do I hope you'll understand it wasn't planned that way. 
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
The largest mammalian carnivore that ever lived on land was the giant short-faced bear. Twice the size of the biggest modern … (11 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 100 - 01/22/14 07:56 PM
Trivia number 100
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
Blonde hair can range from practically white (platinum blonde) to a dark golden blonde. Strawberry blonde, the mixture of blonde and red hair, is the rarest type of blonde hair.  The last one for today is: The Bracken Bat Cave in Texas is the largest known bat colony in the world. Over 20 million bats … (16 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 99 - 01/21/14 07:04 PM
Trivia number 99
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
Scholars note that redheads have influenced history out of proportion to their numbers. Famous redheads include Roman emperor Nero, Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, the ancient god of love Aphrodite, Queen Elizabeth I, Napoleon Bonaparte, Oliver Cromwell, Emily Dickinson, Antonio Vivaldi, Thomas Jefferson, Vincent Van Gogh, Mark Twain, James Joyce, Winston Churchill, Malcolm … (14 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 97 - 01/18/14 08:33 PM
Trivia number 97
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
Emotion is typically defined as a response to stimuli that involves physiological changes (increased pulse rate, increased body temperature, activity of certain glands, increased or decreased breathing rate), which motivate a person to act. Simply put, emotions are the feelings of the mind, the equivalent of what physical sensations are to the … (13 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 96 - 01/16/14 07:51 PM
I want this to be information one just usually doesn't hear.  if you have I would like to know if you haven't all the better you've learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
August 13th is "Left-Hander's Day."  launched in 1996, this yearly event celebrates left-handedness and raises awareness of the difficulties and frustrations left-handers experience every day in a world designed for right-handers. The last one for today is:  In the average adult, the skin covers 12-20 square feet and accounts for 12% of body weight. 
Now go out and tell the world … (14 comments)

joplin mo realtor: Laptop or iPad? - 01/15/14 07:42 PM
As usual I had my trivia data ready for today but something happened last night.  Last night I lost all internet connection and could not get it back.  So today all of my comments and blog is being done of the wife's iPad.
Nothing against the iPad they are great little machines but I can't do a lot of the things I do on a laptop and some of the gizmos I use on the laptop is just not available with this machine.  I guess this is a blessing.  The desktop goes into the shop today and the laptop I usually … (26 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 95 - 01/14/14 07:51 PM

Trivia number 95
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
The mind imagines objects slightly from above and tilted. For example, researchers asked people around the world to draw a coffee cup. Almost everyone drew a coffee cup from a perspective slightly above the cup looking down and offset a little to the right or left. No one drew it looking straight down … (14 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 94 - 01/13/14 07:31 PM

Trivia number 94
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
Mayans used chocolate in baptisms and in marriage ceremonies. It was also sometimes used in the place of blood during ceremonies. Mayan emperors were often buried with jars of chocolate by their side.  The last one for today is: Hillary Clinton won the TV quiz show College Bowl several times and landed … (16 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 93 - 01/12/14 08:04 PM

Trivia number 93
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
REM atonia, or sleep paralysis, occurs in the typical sleeper every night to prevent people from acting out their dreams. Only a few muscles have the ability to move during REM sleep, such as the eye muscles, the auditory muscles, and the diaphragm for respiration.  The last one for today is: The … (16 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 92 - 01/11/14 08:31 PM

Trivia number 92
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
One in five adults admitted to urinating in swimming pools, which means 20% of adults in swimming pools have urinated in it. Red eyes associated with swimming are not caused by chlorine. They are caused by chloramine, a chemical that is created when urine combines with the chlorine already in the pool. … (13 comments)

joplin mo realtor: 91 - 01/10/14 07:48 PM

Trivia number 91
I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear.  If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today.  With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
In 1803, Jean-Jacques Dessalines (1758-1806), Haiti’s first ruler, created the nation’s flag by ripping out the white stripe in the French red, white, and blue flag, claiming he would rip white people from the nation. The remaining blue and red stripes represented blacks and mulattos of Haiti. Haiti’s coat of arms sits … (12 comments)

James Dray (Fathom Realty)

James Dray

Bentonville, AR

More about me…

Fathom Realty

Address: 1003 SE 14th Suite 20, Bentonville, Ar, 72712

Office: (479) 381-0550

Mobile: (479) 381-0550




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