rogers arkansas real estate: What has four noses - 08/14/13 08:48 PM
What has four noses?
Well do you know the answer?  I can tell you I did not know it.  Of course I did not get close enough to one to count and I really don’t care.  I’ll just take the persons word for it.  I wonder how they did it but apparently they did.  In any respect I’ll bet ya you did not know this unless you are on the same site I am.  The answer to the question is a slug.  Isn’t the internet fun?  Just think of all the posts I can get from this one site.   Smile … (11 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Bear is the new word of the day - 05/10/13 09:32 PM
Bear is the new word of the day.
No I’m not talking about the animal or bear as to one taking off their clothes so don’t even go there.  Actually there are three different meanings and they are broken down to several more.  The meaning I’m looking for has to do with the first break down of (ber) is to hold and take along; carry; transport.  So did you know the meaning?  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith.  Click on the link below.  Who knows you may learn something along the way and some … (8 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Debridgement is the new word of the day - 04/15/13 08:52 PM
Debridgement is the new word of the day.
Okay people stay with me on this one.  I will try and make a point with this new word and I hope most of you get it.  Anyway have you ever felt at anytime with any of the places where you have been employed it was time for you to go?  Maybe your boss said it was time for you to go.  Maybe just maybe that is why you got into this profession?  I’m sure all of you will have different stories to tell so the meaning of (di bred’ment) is the cutting … (9 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Petard is the new word of the day - 03/13/13 08:59 PM
Petard is the new word of the day.
We’ve all seen hem and used them.  For Americans it is something special and we use them to celebrate (biggest hint ever).  Some people are injured or killed when they don’t handle these with care or without adult supervision these are dangerous to children.  So the meaning of (pi tard’) is a kind of firecracker.  So did you know the meaning what say you?    Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith.  Click on the link below it won’t hurt I promise and who knows you may smile … (10 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Garrulous is the new word of the day - 02/16/13 07:52 PM
Garrulous is the new word of the day.
Some people say I have this quality or curse.  I know when some people get on a roll (hint) you’ll be there for awhile another (hint).  So anyway I know each one of us will identify someone who has the problem besides if you haven’t figured it out by now you won’t so I’ll give you the meaning of (gar’e les) is talking much or too much about unimportant things.  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 

rogers arkansas real estate: Rentier is the new word of the day - 02/15/13 07:43 PM
Rentier is the new word of the day.
So now what say you on this one?  Do you Parlez-vous François?  If not why not?  Man I’m having too much fun with this one.  One would think of course this would be a renter here in the good ole USA.  But alas you would be wrong.  The meaning of (ran tya’) is a person who has a fixed income from land, bonds etc.  So did you Parlez-vous François or no?  Join us tomorrow for another adventure in the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 

rogers arkansas real estate: Fin is the new word of the day - 01/20/13 07:16 PM
Fin is the new word of the day.
Actually there are three count them three different entries in my Webster’s® for this word.  Those of you who have been around will know this and I will say this is my first giveaway for the New Year.  So without any more discussion the meaning of (fin) I have chosen for this entry is slang for a five-dollar bill.  I’ll save one of the other meanings for a later time. Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 

rogers arkansas real estate: Exscind is the new word of the day - 01/14/13 07:17 PM
Exscind is the new word of the day.
Well I ran this one by the wife and she did not know it so I think I may have a winner.  Anyway I’ve had this happen to me and in your lifetime if it hasn’t happened to you it will.  Just a matter of time it happens to everyone.  So the meaning of (ek sind’) is to cut out.  I’ve been cut of so many things I’ve lost count what say you? Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith.  This is the second post for today.  … (7 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Gaff is the new word of the day - 01/11/13 07:43 PM
Gaff is the new word of the day.
Okay the first thing that came into your mind is the big hook fisherman use to grab hold of a fish wasn’t it.  Well Pilgrim you got it wrong.  The (gaf) I’m talking about has a meaning of foolish talk or to reveal a secret.  There are those people who just can’t keep a secret.  Do you know anyone who is a gaff?  This is the second post for today.  Be sure and check out the first one I’m sure you’ll enjoy.  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world … (6 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Fanfaronade is the new word of the day - 01/11/13 07:41 PM
Fanfaronade is the new word of the day.
I’m not proud of it but I’ve been this from time to time.  There are some people agents included that seem to cherish this and want more of it.  So my wife got close but no cigar what about you?  If you know this or if you guess it before I give you the meaning good for you.  So why don’t we get to the meaning of (fan’fe re nad’) is boasting talk or showy action.  Did you know it what say you?  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful … (5 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Plimsolls is the new word of the day - 01/07/13 07:26 PM
Plimsolls is the new word of the day.
We all have them they come in different shapes and sizes.  They are for women, children and men.  Famous people have them and not so famous (I) have them also.  The question I would ask you is how many do you have?  You can spend a load of money on it or not so much.  Now for the meaning of (plim’selz) it is a lightweight canvas shoe with rubber soles; sneakers.  Surprised I was now what say you?  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 

rogers arkansas real estate: Illocutionary is the new word of the day - 01/03/13 07:17 PM
Illocutionary is the new word of the day.
Just a couple of weeks ago I wrote about this using another word.  Until today I did not know there was more than that one word to explain what happens to me every day.  Now I have two words to try and use to explain my problem.  So I will not keep you in suspense any longer the meaning of (il’e kyoo’she ner’e) is of or having to do with that aspect of utterance which relates to the speaker’s intention as distinct from what is actually said.  That explains everything doesn’t it?  … (9 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Limb is the new word of the day - 01/02/13 07:02 PM
Limb is the new word of the day.
Okay when you read this word what was the first thing that popped into your mind?  Was it a tree limb good guess?  Did the old saying out on a limb cross your mind another good guess but that is not right.  The meaning of (lim) I’m looking for is a border, margin, or edge.  So did you get it correct what say you?  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith.  This is the second post for today look for the first I’m sure you will enjoy … (6 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Punctilious is the new word of the day - 01/02/13 06:58 PM
Punctilious is the new word of the day.
I’m glad to say I’m one of these.  If you are also than you understand where I’m coming from if you are not one I’m so sorry for you.  Okay here is a hint (if you tell me you will do something I fully expect for you to follow through).  Longest hint I’ve ever given. Another hint if you tell me to meet you somewhere at a certain time you best be there on time or before.  So the meaning of (punk til’e es) is being very careful about every detail, very … (5 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Tabes is the new word of the day - 01/01/13 08:12 PM
Tabes is the new word of the day.
I was doing this about 3 months ago and I knew it.  Thankfully I changed doctors and was placed on the right track and now I’m just as sassy as I’ve ever been.  I have seen my share of this during my other career and it is not a pretty site.  The meaning of (ta’bez) is a wasting away, any wasting or atrophy due to disease.  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 

rogers arkansas real estate: Virgate is the new word of the day - 12/31/12 08:51 PM
Virgate is the new word of the day.
Well I found another word dealing with real estate that I have never heard of.  That statement is not surprising sense there is I’m sure a lot more of them around.  I keep looking and on some days I get lucky.  Well this is one of those days so let’s get to the meaning of (vur’git) is an old English unit of land measure varying greatly in size, but most commonly equal to about 30 acres.  So did you know it what say you?  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the … (9 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Xeric is the new word of the day - 12/31/12 08:48 PM
Xeric is the new word of the day.
Okay according to my Webster’s® there are not many words starting with the letter (X).  So I think this is the first word I’ve posted using a word beginning with that letter.  So since this is probably going to be difficult I’ll just cut to the chase and tell you the meaning of (zir’ik) is of, pertaining to or having dry or desert like conditions.  You know like this last summer we had.  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 

rogers arkansas real estate: Anneal is the new word of the day - 12/30/12 08:30 PM
Anneal is the new word of the day.
Whether you know it or not we all do this every day (hopefully).  If not you are falling behind and that is one thing we all need not do.  You did catch we do not need to fall behind on this one.  So what say let us get to the meaning of (e nel’) is to strengthen and temper the mind and will.  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 

rogers arkansas real estate: Colophon is the new word of the day - 12/28/12 08:19 PM
Colophon is the new word of the day.
Out of all the people I would have bet money the wife would know this word and when she didn’t I knew I had a winner, winner chicken dinner.  Actually we are having potato soup tonight (gotta love it).  The meaning of (kal’e fen) is a notation often placed in a book at the end, giving facts about its production.  She is an avid reader and I was surprised when she did not know the meaning.  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith.  This is the second … (5 comments)

rogers arkansas real estate: Hanse is the new word of the day - 12/27/12 08:25 PM
Hanse is the new word of the day.
Interesting word we have today.  German in origin it dates back to the medieval times.  We all use it today and it has been and will continue to benefit us all for the future.  Anyway the meaning of (hans) is a league of free towns in North Germany and adjoining countries, formed to promote and protect their economic interests.    Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 

James Dray (Fathom Realty)

James Dray

Bentonville, AR

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Fathom Realty

Address: 1003 SE 14th Suite 20, Bentonville, Ar, 72712

Office: (479) 381-0550

Mobile: (479) 381-0550




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