madison ga real estate: SOLD in Madison GA - brick ranch on 5 acres
- 04/10/23 12:44 PM
One of the benefits of longevity in the business is helping clients work though the stages of life. I met the sellers of this custom brick ranch home on 5 acres more than 10 years ago, when they were wrapping up a long time in the horse world - breeding, training, and showing horses. They were approaching retirement age, and it was time to sell the custom cape cod home on 17 acres with a beautiful 8 stall barn. Once I found the buyer for their last farm, I helped them buy this lovely ranch home - the 5 acres had just enough (5 comments)
madison ga real estate: I'm back..... aka, life happens
- 04/05/23 11:24 AM
Its been 5 years since my last blog post. During that time, I became a caretaker, long and short distance, for a sister and two in-laws in succession. During that time, the COVID pandemic arose, and has abated - somewhat. Today our office assistant returned to work after a rough spell with COVID acquired during a recent trip to California. During that time, my second grandson was born, and his family relocated from KY (400 miles from me) to upstate NY (1000 miles from me) - but the good news is that their new farm is close to where I grew up, and just (4 comments)
madison ga real estate: We'd hire her again! What Madison Georgia home sellers say about Jeanne Dufort
- 02/24/11 02:49 AM
We'd hire her again! That's what Madison Georgia home sellers have to say about Jeanne Dufort Its no secret that today's market presents real challenges for sellers. Excess inventory, competition from foreclosures, and few qualified buyers all add up to trouble for the average seller. Hiring a local expert to advise you on current conditions and create a marketing plan that will get your property sold is the best thing you can do. Do you have property in the Madison and Lake Oconee area that you are thinking about selling? I usually let my results speak for themselves, but today I thought you'd like to hear (2 comments)
madison ga real estate: More for Less - is it just about a pile of money?
- 01/07/11 10:52 AM
Seems like every buyer these days wants More for Less. The question is - More of What? The easy route is to focus on price. How many dollars per square foot, per acre, etc. But can we really reduce a home to a stack of cash? In my rural market, subdivisions are not where most of the homes are located - so uniformity of properties for valuation purposes is a real challenge. One of the most critical services I provide to buyers considering relocating to my rural market is to work with them closely to discover what really matters to them (6 comments)
madison ga real estate: Another Madison GA horse farm sold - 26 acres in Fieldcrest Farms
- 12/18/10 06:01 AM
Two families celebrated yesterday in Madison - one family is moving on to a lovely Christmas in Santa Fe followed by relocation to the Pacific northwest. They are leaving this beautiful farm on 26 acres in Fieldcrest Farms - a rural estate community about 10 minutes east of Madison, Georgia. They built the home, and leaving long time friends is always bittersweet - but they have a new life to look forward to. The buyers are also following a dream - after 20+ years in metro Atlanta they look forward to enjoying a rural lifestyle. Fieldcrest Farms is a farm-friendly community (4 comments)
madison ga real estate: Discount vs Value - what matters to you when you are buying property?
- 11/13/10 06:29 AM
Seems like every buyer is in search of a Deal these days, but just how do you know what a Good Deal really is? Some buyers are focused on Discount. They ask standard questions: how long has this been on the market? has it been reduced, and how much? how much less will the seller take? There is nothing wrong with these questions, per se, but I don't think they get at the heart of Value. A Value buyer will want to know some additional things: what have comparable properties sold for recently? how many properties like this are on the market (10 comments)
Thoughts and news from Georgia's Lake Country, featuring Madison and Lakes Oconee and Sinclair, from the perspective of a land-focused Realtor, horse mom, and farm owner.