jeff click homes: Ladies: Perfect Man vs. Perfect Master Suite? - 02/08/10 04:33 AM
This week, "Love is in the air," and how better to get into the mood than by taking an intimate look at some of the most romantic spaces inside new homes in Edmond? Throughout the week we'll be posting photos of some of our favorite Master Suites built by Jeff Click Homes over the past couple of years.
The Master Suite: One of the most romantic spaces in a home. So what makes a great Master Suite? Not to be coy, but aside from a few rules of thumb, the answer is simply "it depends." Let's start by being honest; … (0 comments)

jeff click homes: Take that, Oklahoma Snowpocalypse! - 02/01/10 08:09 AM
While we can't exactly roll out the red carpet for you in weather like this, we can at least make sure you have a clear, hazard-free driveway to walk on to get into our brand-spankin' new furnished model home in Silverhawk! The fellas from Jeff Click Homes have a little fun demonstrating how to properly clear a driveway of Oklahoma snow and ice in under 2.5 minutes at the Jeff Click Homes furnished model home in Silverhawk. OK, so maybe not exactly that fast, but here's a crash-course tutorial on how to properly clear a driveway from snow and ice. Shot … (0 comments)

jeff click homes: We know coolness when we see it : Introducing the new iPhone version of - 08/17/08 09:14 AM
There was a time when being an Apple user meant also being an outcast...someone looked down upon by those who were among the PC-using masses. "Oh, sure, they're good for graphics," they'd say, looking down their noses, often through black, thick-rimmed glasses as they snorted and nearly hyperventilated with that trademark laugh of the early geek-era. I'm a proud survivor of that geek-bullying, and I'm proud to say I've been an Apple fan boy before it was cool to be one, and I have proof. I started my software company from my dorm room my freshman year at OBU, and I … (0 comments)

jeff click homes: A Geek's Christmas In July : A few tech goodies arrive early for the Jeff Click Homes Parade Home - 07/28/08 06:27 AM
If we're all honest with ourselves, there has been at least one occasion in our lives when something special was to be arriving in the mail. It usually takes place some time during childhood, and for me, it was a new skateboard I'd earned by winning a Christmas card selling contest in grade school. But even as adults, with the changes in how we make purchases online, some of us still caught up in the excitement of looking out the window every three minutes to see if the UPS guy has arrived. I recently succumbed to the temptation of waiting with … (1 comments)

jeff click homes: Show A Friend : Invite your friend to check out your future home without having to get out of her chair. - 06/08/08 04:52 AM
One of my favorite quotes in sales & marketing doesn't come from Zig Ziglar or Seth Godin. Nope. And in keeping with my recent theme of rock-star references, my favorite gem of sales genious comes from the silver-tongued former, former again, and now current lead singer of one of my top-5 fav bands, Van Halen. "If ya love what I do, tell a friend. If you don't, tell an enemy..." --David Lee Roth* 'Just about covers all the bases, doesn't it? Now we've made it easier than ever to tell a friend (or enemy) about the home you just discovered by … (2 comments)

jeff click homes: Paris Hilton Loves Jeff Click Homes : A builder's journey into scandalous rumor, paparazzi victimhood, and reckless rock-stardom...not. - 06/03/08 02:02 AM
It began with something innocent. They say the most scandalous encounters always do. I was spending my Saturday doing one of the things I love doing when the phone rang. I couldn't answer because I was in the middle of a showing with some guests at the furnished model in Silverhawk. After a good conversation and some time answering questions, they left to go look at a few of the other available homes. I checked caller ID, as a Saturday call at the office usually is someone calling to see if we're open. Hmm, no voicemail. The name on the Caller … (1 comments)

jeff click homes: A Builder, Walking a mile in a client's shoes : Gearing up for the 2008 Parade Of Homes poses its challenges - 05/25/08 11:02 AM
The past 2 weeks have been an intense on-again, off-again struggle through dozens of conceptual sketches, job site walk-throughs, thinking, and re-thinking lighting design, flooring selections, you name it. Everything that each one of my clients goes through in one form or another, and it's been good to experience it first-hand again myself as I finalize all of the numerous details for this year's Jeff Click Homes entry into the 2008 Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association Parade Of Homes, which kicks off September 13th and runs through the 21st. This year's parade entry will unveil the first rendition of what is … (4 comments)

jeff click homes: : Oklahoma City's New Blog For Real Estate Professionals - 05/03/08 07:59 AM
I'd like to invite all ActiveRain members with an interest in the Oklahoma City Metro Real Estate market to check out my new blog with daily commentary and links to relevant stories and data regarding our market. ModernLandRun is bent towards an optimistic view of market conditions and opportunities OKC, and includes commentary, analysis, and relevant links of interest to real estate professionals. It also includes a number of tailored RSS feeds, including a "Good News" feed, making it both flexible and easy to track on a daily basis. From the "About" page... "ModernLandRun is the result of a combination of … (0 comments)

jeff click homes: It's Time For Some Remedy : The Oklahoma City housing market has a fever, but there is a cure. - 04/18/08 01:51 AM
I think the Oklahoma City housing market has a fever. Unfortunately, the cure ain't "more cowbell." However, a good ol' fashioned spoonful of truth would do the trick. I'm one of those builders who likes to spend quite a bit of time in his furnished model home. So much, in fact, I office there on weekdays, and then give my sales staff one weekend off a month so I can cover the model for the weekend. I like keeping track of the vital signs of our market, and the best way to do that is to talk face to face with … (0 comments)

jeff click homes: COHBA Launches : Don't let the national media scare you out of the smartest move you can make. - 04/17/08 04:01 AM
With all the negative hype in the media about housing values falling around the country, it's no wonder many are skeptical about whether or not now is a good time to buy a new home. The fact is, in Oklahoma, the timing to buy a new home really has never been better. The Oklahoma City Metro is among the few markets in the country still enjoying consistent gains in home values, and mortgage rates are at near all time lows. Combine those factors with our strong job growth, a strong local economy, and low cost of living, and it's obvious that … (0 comments)

jeff click homes: When That Parade Comes Marching In : Jeff Click Homes gears up for the 2008 Parade Of Homes - 04/02/08 08:49 AM
I haven't been able to make time to post recently, as there's a lot going on here in the JCH studio. We've recently unleashed three brand new plans, all with larger square footages by popular demand. The Timothy, The Romans, and The Numbers plan all have unique layouts and even more opportunities for that cool-factor our homes are known for.
My concept sketch for the front view of our Parade Home. I'm particularly excited about The Timothy plan, on which we're basing our entry for this year's COHBA Parade Of Homes, which will be September 13-21. We're getting the home … (0 comments)

jeff click homes: Going, Going, Gone! : Jeff Click Homes teams up with NewsOK's Bid & Buy Auction to save someone thousands of dollars - 02/29/08 02:09 PM
Who'd have thought ten years ago...or maybe even five...that you could buy a new house online? It's about to happen here in Oklahoma City now that Jeff Click Homes has teamed up with and this year's Bid & Buy '08 Online Auction. Just today, the team at NewsOK launched our listing for 16208 Sonoma Lake Blvd, a decked out version of our Luke Plan, built in South Edmond/NW Oklahoma City's Sonoma Lake. Bidding won't begin until Friday, March 7th, but the listing is available for viewing now, and you can pre-register with the Bid & Buy site for a chance … (0 comments)

jeff click homes: Oh, So You're The Builder? : The things a builder learns while manning his own model home - 01/13/08 09:37 AM
I'm hearing more and more about how uncommon it is, which surprises me. And while I know I'm probably tipping off my competitors who frequent this blog (trust me, we know), it actually disappoints me. "Oh, so you're the builder?!" Shoppers are shocked to be greeted by "the builder" when they walk into a model home. The actual builder. Yes, the real, live owner of the company. It seems like a no-brainer to me, especially when my name's on the sign, that it's not unreasonable for a visitor to expect to have a chance at getting to meet the builder...the one … (6 comments)

jeff click homes: So Long, 2007! : Putting the final nail in an interesting year - 12/31/07 02:03 AM
For all that 2007 brought forth in the housing industry, it sure seemed to blow by in a blur. Strangely, though, this last year had more challenges than I've seen in my building career. From a correction in the market, to aggressive immigration legislation, there was no shortage of struggle. Richard Mize's article in last weekend's Oklahoman sums up the year in Oklahoma real estate quite nicely, and it's an eye-opening read to see all of the year's issues compiled. 2008 promises bright things, as it's the 10th anniversary for Jeff Click Homes. We have a number of exciting ideas and … (3 comments)

jeff click homes: COHBA Ends A Regal Era : Caleb wins Builder of the Year, Jim installed as President, and one more year to go... - 12/15/07 02:04 AM
On Friday evening, the Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association celebrated its final Christmas Banquet and Officer Installation at our building of over 40 years, closing an era at The Regal Room. It was a grand event, with friend, fellow builder, and 2007 President Caleb McCaleb awarded with "Builder Of the Year," and Jim McWhirter of Gemini Homes installed as the 2008 President. I was installed as Vice President, while Mark Dale of Carriage Homes was installed as Treasurer, and Jim Schuff of Vesta Homes was moved into the Secretary position. As this year's Vice President, I look forward to serving as … (0 comments)

jeff click homes: Pano-Mania: Jeff Click Homes furnished model home in Silverhawk goes virtual with Newspin 360 - 11/26/07 03:26 AM
As probably the geekiest builder in this part of the country, I love finding new ways to incorporate technology into the building process, as well as in marketing to new home buyers. We put a great deal of effort and resources towards our web site, which is the most effective and efficient way to communicate to prospective clients, and showcase our service and product. From providing detailed information on homes and communities, to a several-thousand-and-counting photo gallery, our web site is every bit as important as a good furnished model home, as it hosts over 3,000 unique visitors on a slow … (0 comments)

jeff click homes: Time To Give Thanks: Thanksgiving Weekend Hours & Thoughts - 11/21/07 12:40 AM
It just doesn't seem like the Holidays until the good ol' Oklahoma weather kicks in on a moment's notice. Now that we've found our way into the 30s, let the celebrating begin, and get the cider and chili on the stove! For Thanksgiving weekend, the Jeff Click Homes Model Home in Silverhawk will be closed on Thursday so that our staff and trades can enjoy time with their families. Friday through Sunday, we will be open by appointment only for touring of any of our homes, including the model. If you would like to schedule a tour, please contact Chris George … (1 comments)

jeff click homes: Best, Cubed : Jeff Click Homes Wins Best Kitchen, Best Merchandising, & Best Overall Design Awards For 2007 Parade Of Homes - 10/24/07 08:46 AM
One of the most rewarding aspects of building homes, for me, is to witness the expressions and hear the comments of visitors as they walk into one of our homes. This week is one of my favorite weeks of the year when it comes to work-life, because it's the one week when more people visit our homes than in any other week. It's also a thrill to be recognized by colleagues in our own industry as a standout among our competition. I'm pleased to share that Jeff Click Homes has been honored with awards in three of five categories in the … (0 comments)

jeff click homes: Parade Madness : What you get when you combine the Parade Of Homes and a weekend of perfect weather - 10/21/07 10:43 AM
Fall is gently easing us into cooler temperatures, making for perfect home shopping weather, and it seems that Oklahomans agree. Now that we're into day two of Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association's 2007 Parade Of Homes, and college games are out of the way for the weekend, lookers are out and about! We've had a broad spectrum of spectators, from single professionals and empty nesters, to apartment renters in the city and home owners as far away as Lawton, many of whom have come out specifically to view our Jeff Click Homes Parade entry in Silverhawk. I'd estimate Saturday we had … (4 comments)

jeff click homes: Excitement On the Eve : The 2007 COHBA Parade Of Homes Kicks Off Tomorrow - 10/19/07 04:58 AM
For members of the Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association, the Parade Of Homes is always a big event. In fact, it's the association's largest and most significant annual event, as it's our opportunity as the Oklahoma City Metro residential construction industry to showcase our latest and best products and craftsmanship. Each year, the Parade includes two "Feature Homes," which are association-commissioned homes built by two chosen builder members. Each home is privately showcased to the association members on one of the two nights prior to the Parade's kick-off, and last night Deziray, Alessondra, and I attended the preview party for the … (0 comments)

Jeff Click (Jeff Click Homes, L.L.C.)

Jeff Click

Edmond, OK

More about me…

Jeff Click Homes, L.L.C.

Address: 15812 N. Pennsylvania Ste. 3, Edmond, OK, 73013

Office: (405) 348-1525

Fax: (405) 285-0303



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