
In the immediate area around Lake Wylie there are over 1000 property owners that are 60 to over 120 days behind on their mortgage payments and are facing foreclosure. There are 92 properties that have gone to foreclosure and will be auctioned off on September 2, 2008 at the York County Court Hous...
The Charlotte area has been resistant to the down tune in the housing market. Therefore, I was surprised to find that there are now over 1000 home owner immediately around Lake Wylie that are 60 to 120+ days behind in their house payments. This is the point where banks get nervous. These home own...
I am not an attorney or CPA, but as I read the new HR 3221 act, it seems that the !st time home buyer's $7,500 tax credit is really an interest free loan. The act indinicates that: 1. A tax credit on a purchase of a new home after April 9, 2008 and before July 1, 2009 is available up to $7,500 i...

Kathy & Jim Wolfe

local_phone(803) 831-2050
smartphone(704) 200-7574
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