jig: BLACKHAWKS WIN! And so do YOU!!!
- 06/10/10 08:39 AM
My accountant almost killed me today…here’s why. Last night, while watching the Blackhawks game I said something that may have been a little stupid. I was standing in front of the TV with my brother-in-law when the game went into overtime, and I blurted out the following comment – “Dude, if they win I’ll celebrate by offering our $795 identity package for $49!” You see, the Blackhawks, until yesterday, hadn’t won a Stanley Cup in 49 years, so I decided (without really thinking) that $49 seemed like an appropriate number. Well, needless to say, I’m an honest man and it’s time
jig: Time Flies!
- 06/01/10 10:41 AM
This morning when you woke up, you might have been like a lot of people…thinking to yourself, “Holy Cow – It’s JUNE!” Yes, it’s true. It’s June. How is your year shaping up? How many of your goals have you achieved? Are you on track to hit your 2010 goals? I’ll admit it. I’ve surpassed some goals while completely missing others. And you know what? It’s my own fault. The truth is that we only have one life. And our life is the sum total of our days. I failed to make EVERY day special. We only get today once. I
jig: Play Ball!
- 04/05/10 09:33 AM
Well, it’s that time of year again! Opening day of baseball! For fans everywhere, there is a new excitement for the season to come, renewed hope, a clean slate. Today is a day where everybody cheers for their first place team. But…things will change. There will be wins and there will be losses. Some teams will catapult to the top, others will dive to the bottom. There will be excuses. Some will blame injuries, some will blame travel schedules, some will blame the weather, some will blame the coaches, some will blame the umpires. Sad, isn’t it? If it REALLY is
jig: Merry Christmas, You're FIRED!
- 12/24/09 09:48 AM
Ahhh, the Christmas season...a time to reflect back on the year, celebrate accomplishments, and spend time with those who stuck with you through thick and thin. And as we bring the year to a close, here's something to think about... 86% of surveyed agents said that they will not hit their 2009 financial goal. But how could that be? You did everything a great agent should! You were a friend, a counselor, a chauffeur, a financial advisor, an interior decorator, a student, paperwork completion specialist, file organizer, Blackberry operating pro, an image consultant....well, that was YOU, the hard working salesperson. And
jig: 30 seconds of your time could change the life of a child
- 12/21/09 06:28 AM
Hello, friends! I have a huge favor to ask you. As we begin 2010, the Coach Jig team is beefing up our visibility and to make it worth your while, we are making a donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation! All you have to do is join the Coach Jig Fan Page on Facebook. (Facebook.com/Branding4Realtors) or if you have the app in your phone, just send a text to 32665 - "fan Branding4Realtors". For every fan that joins, we are donating $1 to help make a wish come true for a child (split between USA and Canada, based on the proportion of
jig: Don't Thank Your Clients for Their Business...
- 11/25/09 03:26 AM
...They'll give you business because you thank them! As we enter this season of gratitude, joy and generosity, I thought I'd make mention of something I read recently that I felt needed to be addressed. 61% of Realtors do not use social networking tools and sites because...get this..."IT DOESN'T BRING ME ANY BUSINESS" Now, if you are reading this, there's a pretty good chance you fall in the other 39%. But if there is an agent you know that is still "in the dark" and you want to help them out...please turn on the light for them! There was a time,