Homes for Sale in Mississauga Sell Faster When De-clutteredYou have decided that your house in Mississauga has come to its useful end and now it is time to sell.Wondering if you need to make any improvements in order to get top dollar, you call in 3 Mississauga real estate agents for their opinio...
How Does a Condominium Building Enforce Its No-Smoking Restrictions? A Toronto Condo building or a Mississauga Condo building that has successfully adopted a no-smoking restriction in individual units needs to be able to enforce this policy. If there are no complaints does Condo Corporation have...
Is it possible for a condominium building to be smoke free in Ontario, Canada? Yes it is, however I personally do not know of any Toronto Condo buildings or Mississauga Condo buildings that are smoke free. Smoking is and continues to be a contentious issue. The issue of second hand smoke infiltr...
Buying your first house or condominium can be a confusing as well as exciting experience. As a first time Mississauga home or condo buyer there are costs which you should be aware of before you sign on the dotted line of the agreement of purchase and sale. However there are also government incent...
To Quote a popular TV ad " It's the most wonderful Time of the Year" for most parents. Toronto Schools Admission and Registration Every child living in Toronto can attend a Toronto District School Board school. You can register anytime during the school year. You can register directly at your ne...
The day comes when you get tired of paying rent to someone else and you decide it's time you owned your own place. Being a first time buyer you have decided that a Toronto Condominium Listing is the affordable route at this time. Before you run off excitedly looking at every Toronto Condo on the...
Up until a couple of months ago there was frenzied activity in the Toronto and Mississauga Real Estate market. Listings of homes for sale were few and multiple offer situations were the normal order of the day. How quickly things change! The Toronto Real Estate Board recently reported a 34% drop ...
Before you rush out and buy one of those Toronto Condominium Listings you have admired for so long, you should know that not everyone is suited to condominium living. In order to take part in a condominium lifestyle you agree from the beginning to live by certain rules and regulations stipulated...
Weaker Home Sales Predicted The Canadian Real Estate Association has reduced its sales forecast again for this year. 459,600 units are estimated to change hands in 2010, a decline of 1.2 per cent. This is the second time the Canadian Real Estate Association has reduced estimates from an optimisti...