government regulation: Why not just pay off all the mortgages? (Numbers Edited!)
- 02/09/09 01:37 AM
(Note: My first post I had the numbers wrong - Blogging too early again!) When you see news story after news story about the stimulus package being debated right now - a little perspective comes to mind. If Housing was truly the issue here, then why not just pay off a portion of every mortgage in America? According to this site, As of 1999 there was about 6 Trillion in Mortgage debt outstanding in the US. I assume it is around 8-9 Trillion today. If we are considering a $900+ Billion stimulus - why not just pay off a portion of the debt? (5 comments)
government regulation: A 10% solution to the housing market
- 02/05/09 07:44 AM
Today the senate approved an addition to the stimulus package that will give buyers up to $15,000 tax credit if they purchase within one year. This is a very interesting concept and if marketed correctly will help to stabilize housing. The problem we have today is not that there is a lack of buyers - it is there is a lack of confidence. Buyers are asking the age old question - what if the market goes down? But this provision in the stimulus package is the answer to that question. Buy purchasing this year, there will be a built-in 10% price stabilizer. If (2 comments)
government regulation: Will the Government own your home?
- 11/20/08 03:04 AM
We are living in amazing times right now. What happens over the course of the next few months will definitely effect our lives for years, if not decades in the future. I am becoming concerned that the Government and Corporations are gaining a foothold into the control of personal property rights in the country. What makes of a free society believe it or not is the right for the citizens to own property. The power of the government and large corporations is balanced by our freedoms. Our freedoms are directly attributed to the fact that we own property and on the property we can do as we please (for the most (3 comments)