Are you familiar with the Danish Proverb: Many Streams Make A River? One of the first things you do as a new or seasoned real estate professional each year is to identify your referral sources for business planning purposes. Your various referral sources are your streams that all feed into your '...
Home Equity Lines of Credit and Divorce|Jody Bruns|Any time you have a marital home involved, it is important to identify any lines of credit attached to the home. Many times when you ask your clients what the mortgage balances are on the home – they may have forgotten about an open equity line b...
The #1 Concern of Divorcing Clients When Their Name Remains On The Current Mortgage One of the main concerns when one party is retaining the marital home in a divorce situation is that the vacating spouse will not be able to qualify for future mortgage financing while their name remains on the c...
With the crazy roller coaster in the real estate market over the last 8-10 years, many would be sellers and buyes may still be skeptical of real estate as an investment. Every industry has 'cycles' - we just have the luxury of our cycels being all over the media! I have always loved using visual...
The Importance of Basis With the real estate market continuing to improve and new homes coming on the market, it may be an important time to review the importance of Basis in selling real estate. The basis of the property is usually the cost. The cost is the amount paid in cash, debt obligations...
Buying a New Home with Cash90 Day Rule—Good or Bad Idea? by: Jody Bruns A BIG Reminder for Your Cash Buyers! With many buyers still paying cash as an incentive for sellers to accept their offers, please remember to ask your cash buyers the question: "What is your intent for taki...