"Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."–Mark Twain
Charismatic, powerful people have a way with words. Perfecting your communication skills can attract and increase your business. With words, you can empower, or you can diminish. When you speak: Do you your words connect with others? Do they feel understood, appreciated and acknowledged? When you talk to yourself, does it create a reality that is empowering? The words we say to others and the words we say to ourselves all (7 comments)
coaching: Outside My Comfort Zone...On The Road
- 09/20/13 04:10 AM
In the last month, I have spent 3 weeks on the road and travelled to 5 countries and Florida! I was privileged to be invited to speak at the Florida REALTORS State Convention this year, and I was so impressed with their commitment to their agents and the tools they have made available. There were 1200 REALTORS in attendance, soaking up the education and expo! It was nice to hear about the market strength there after these past tough years. It is a testimony to the fact that there are opportunities in all markets and flexibility and creativity are hallmarks of the basic tools (1 comments)
I often use this exercise before I speak at an engagement or teach a class. It works well, anytime you need your right and left brain to work together (which, I guess, is really most of the time!) A great grounding exercise to use when you feel really stressed… breathing can do wonders for us! 12 Great Reasons To Do Alternate Nostril Breathing Today!
coaching: Burned Out???
- 06/27/13 10:16 AM
As the real estate markets have heated up, most people I am talking to are busy, busy, busy. Lots of folks I talk to are tired. One of the foundations for being wildly productive is having the physical wherewithal to focus and be your best. Taking the time to take care of you can't be left to chance or something that happens after you've taken care of everyone else. Your own wellbeing has to be a priority. After all, you car won't take you far if you don't have gas in the gas tank! My question today is what are (4 comments)
coaching: Love, Business or Negotiation....What's Your Joint Shared Commitment?
- 06/24/13 10:44 PM
In any relationship, the best results, when there is disharmony, come from identifying and focusing on what I call the Joint Shared Commitment . What I mean by this is that both people involved have an outcome that is important to them that paralles one with the other person. What derails us, is often, instead of keeping our eye on the joint shared commitment, we focus on the details. ("cursed details" my friend Mike Dooley calls them!) As we do that, our thinking polarizes into believing our way to accomplish the end result is the right way or, worse, the only way. In (3 comments)
coaching: Are You Going Through Change?
- 06/08/13 02:33 AM
Seems like we ALWAYS are, doesn't it? And, yet, I find most people have some fear and trepidation around change. I found this quote many years ago and have shared it often, because I find people can relate and resonate when thinking of it from this perspective. What I like best is that you have already let go of lots of trapezes and flown to the next...and it was always there for you!!! Happy Change! Fear of Transformation "Sometimes I feel that my life is a series of trapeze swings. I'm either hanging on to a trapeze bar swinging along or, for (2 comments)
coaching: Will Today be the Best Day of your Life?
- 06/06/13 04:34 AM
Did you know it could be, even if you don't have amazing plans for it right now? If you knew it was going to be...how would you be feeling? Would you have awakened today, excited with plans and expectations? Would you be looking for the evidence of today's perfection? Or, are you already thinking...no, it can't be today! Rather, it is some mythical day.... in the past or future? Maybe you are even thinking of reasons why today won't be that day? Thinking about the things lacking that would have today come up short! Discounting the possibility that this day could hold! (1 comments)
coaching: The Power of Visualization
- 05/31/13 05:48 AM
Knowing what you want... really having a clear picture of what you want is the first and most important step to getting what you want. We often think it is all the planning and actions and hard work, but I am learning to trust myself and the universe and let things unfold, instead of trying to force it. This is, of course, fairly difficult for a woman who has been a very successful control freak most of her life.... However, the more I learn and evolve, and the less I am attracted to hard work... I am learning the lessons of how to (2 comments)
When I ask people this question they usually say ,"Well, BOTH, of course!!!!" I still vividly remember 30+ years ago when I was in a self improvement seminar and the presenter was talking with a man about some issues that he had with his mother. He and his mother had stopped speaking to each other. The trainer asked the man if he would rather be right or have a mother. BANGO!!!!! I immediately thought about my relationship with my previous two husbands…For me, it had been all about being right and I lost both relationships. I was ready (26 comments)
coaching: What's Culture got to do with it?
- 06/09/12 05:49 AM
The Culture of Your Business One of the foundational parts of the business planning process is the creation of the core values you will honor in running your business. At a recent coach's conference, Robbe Richman, of Zappos Insights, heightened my awareness by offering a free book called 2011 Culture Book.
There are wonderful examples with employees sharing around the 10 Family Core Values of Zappos: #1 Deliver WOW Services#2 Embrace and Drive Change#3 Create Fun & a Little Weirdness# 4 Be Adventerous & Open-Minded#5 Pursue Growth & Learning#6 Build Opoen, Honest Relationships with Communication#7 Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit#8 (0 comments)
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903) "Maxims for Revolutionists"
I got the invitation to my 45th High School Reunion at St. Paul’s School for Girls in Baltimore for this October and thought….while it would be fun to go…money has been tight with our recent move and I still have so much to do. So, I decided it didn't make sense to go. I am Class Secretary this year & so the (8 comments)
coaching: What Makes YOU Happy and How do You Know?
- 05/10/11 12:56 PM
I have been gleefully gushing how happy I am with my new house to my husband, Bub. He replied the other day when I said, "I am Soooo Happy." .."How do you know?" That got me thinking. Is happiness about the external? About the right circumstances? About wanting, getting & having things? All of these are nice, but what happens when things don't quite line up? Can you still be happy? My granddaughter, Lily, and I talk about this fairly frequently when she just has to have something. Through the eyes of a 9 year old, having the right things and having (3 comments)
coaching: Reputations…Made or Lost! My Saga of Lowe’s, Customer Service, Twitter & Facebook!
- 08/25/10 02:33 AM
After it was all said and done, my plumber, Norm from Mister B’s said it really scared him what happened…..He said he realized that even if he had done a great job for someone and they thought he charged too much, they could post something negative and it could impact his reputation! By the way, if you need a plumber in Tucson-call Norm! Social Media makes reputation management more important than it has ever been. Situations can occur quickly and get out of hand if not monitored and addressed swiftly. A prime example of how Cosmic Shift Happens™ * WHEN (12 comments)
It's so easy to get pulled into activities that aren't the highest and best use of our time, isn't it??? If you aren't clear on your priorities and good at setting boundaries with others, the day can go by and you wonder at the end what really got accomplished. I've been using this simple technique to keep myself and my client's focused: Joeann's Rule of Three:What 3 things, if you took action on them today will give you the biggest payoff towards your LONG TERM goals? Here's what to do: •· At the very beginning of the day, choose (0 comments)
coaching: Attitude, Contrast & Being Extraordinary
- 04/16/10 08:34 AM
The ordinary person waits until they are feeling a certain way to take actions; the extraordinary person, knows they can shift their "feelings" into a more positive place any time they want, by noticing them and then taking actions that make them feel better. Self-awareness is the difference between getting stuck with feelings and using them to your benefit. You've probably heard "what you focus on expands." And, yet, when you have an unwanted circumstance or situation, it can be hard not to focus on the negative parts of it. Either the outrage that "this" has happened or the feelings of (3 comments)
coaching: Spring Cleaning #4-Relationships
- 04/03/10 11:17 AM
Have you been attacking all those areas of clutter and tolerations in the last few weeks? How is it feeling? This week, let's look at relationships. The last area of My March Freebie: the Clean Sweep AssessmentTM is all about relationships. I wrote a blog post a few months ago about upgrading the energy of the people around you. It was a featured post here on ActiveRain and really turned out to be a charged subject! The 25 Clean Sweep Relationship items give you areas to take a look at and see how you are doing. Do you make requests rather than complaining? (4 comments)
coaching: Spring Cleaning: Your Well Being
- 03/17/10 05:48 AM
You may wonder what your health and well being have to do with Spring Cleaning. Actually, taking very good care of yourself is the most important job you have. In coaching, we call it extreme self-care. This isn't being selfish; it is recognizing that a healthy you is a prerequisite to your performance and ability to thrive. A strong foundation, good habits and practices can make the difference between facing each day with delight and expectation and facing the day just to get through it. Twice last week, I had conversations with friends who have a parent and children whose needs (4 comments)
coaching: Spring Cleaning: The Physical Stuff
- 03/09/10 01:57 AM
This month...I am all about Spring Cleaning! Join me in Clearing the Clutter this month and you'll be glad you did. Our environment impacts our energy! My travelling and speaking life means my home is often a hotel room! And while many will say the road warrior life is trying, my gypsy blood loves the variety. When we were in Hawaii in January at Kona Village, the Polynesian hut (or hale in Hawaiian) that we stayed in was so ascetically pleasing...I noticed my energy upon waking was different: impacted by the simplicity and beauty. My mind was clearer, more focused and (5 comments)
coaching: Are You Ready????
- 01/05/10 08:26 AM
"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." - GK Chesterton I love ending of one year and the beginning of a fresh new one! Last week, the subscribers to my Tuesday Tips Newsletter got a beautiful New Year's card instead of a post because Annette, my wonderful virtual assistant www.VirtualAnnette.net saved me while I was on the sickbed with pneumonia. I love having support! And even more... love more having the ability to let go and let people help me. Thank you Annette!!! So, this ending of a year and beginning (0 comments)