downtown nanaimo: June 2008 Vancouver Island Market Report - 07/14/08 06:08 PM
I always read these articles with a ‘grain of salt' as often times the story of a real estate slow-down sells papers. But this article takes a fairly balanced review of the current situation for real estate on Vancouver Island. jc
Vancouver Island housing starts slide in June
 Vancouver Island housing starts slid last month as they followed B.C. and national trends. But the decline was in line with expectations and the market still appears robust despite concerns over an economic slowdown.
A total of 336 new homes started on the Island in June - down 28 per cent from June … (1 comments)

downtown nanaimo: Old City Quarterly Market Review QTR 2 2008 - 07/14/08 06:03 PM
Despite the 2nd quarter of 2008 ending on a slower note, with total unit sales down for both single family homes and condos, single family home sale prices have still climbed 7% on average. Old City home sellers should also note that average days on market have increased by 13% compared to the 2nd quarter of 2007. 
Despite the current short-term market slowdown, I firmly believe that the Old City Quarter is the best long-term real estate investment market in Nanaimo, and maybe even Vancouver Island.  In short, as energy prices continue to rise, centrally located urban communities will become increasingly … (0 comments)

downtown nanaimo: Old City Quarter Market Review QTR 1 - 2008 - 07/14/08 06:01 PM
Here we go! The Vancouver Island Convention Centre is almost complete, and Vancouver Island University is official. Nanaimo's Downtown is well on its way to revitalization. This is great news for Old City homeowners, and anyone considering a move to the Old City.  The Old City QuarterlyTM will provide you with valuable insight in to the market trends that affect your neighbourhood.
 The average sale price for single family homes sold in the Old City for the first part of 2008 was $309,617, based on the m.l.s. data provided by the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board. This is up 24% from … (0 comments)

downtown nanaimo: Rental Restrictions in Nanaimo Condos & Stratas? - 07/02/08 05:42 PM
Here's a very interesting article that gives some good insight into the rental restrictions so prevalent in strata bylaws. I personally think that in many markets these bylaws work against condominium owners looking to maximize the return on their investment. At first glance it seems like a good way to prevent your building from becoming excessively transient, and if your a retiree planning on living in that building for the next 50 years, then its probably a good bylaw to support. However, the majority of condo owners nowadays will not own their unit for that long and when they go to … (1 comments)

downtown nanaimo: Downtown Nanaimo Revitalization - 03/21/08 09:16 PM
The city of Nanaimo has been working to revitalize the downtown area for a while now, and I can honestly say that  it is starting to come around. As the convention centre nears completion I can finally start to imagine the vibrant downtown feel that the harbour city will have when those retail shops are full of quality retailers.
 I live and work in Downtown Nanaimo, and I am happy to report that this "Old City" of Nanaimo is well on its way to reliving its glory days!
 More to Come on the revitalization or Downtown Nanaimo in future entries.

downtown nanaimo: John Cooper Real Estate Services Introduction! - 03/21/08 08:44 PM
John Cooper Real Estate Services
Hello Active Rain Community Members!
Before I start formally blogging here, I thought I could quickly introduce myself!I have been loving this site for a while, and thought I would finally introduce my business to everyone.I am a licensed realtor with Remax of Nanaimo, and work out of the brand new Downtown Nanaimo Remax Real Estate Office (235 Bastion Street, Beside Harbour Dance Centre and across the street from the Royal Bank).I will be helping to promote Downtown Nanaimo, Old City Nanaimo, and South Nanaimo to the next generation of home buyers that want to take advantage … (0 comments)


John Cooper

Nanaimo, BC

More about me…

RE/MAX of Nanaimo

Address: 235 Bastion St., Nanaimo, BC, V9R 3A3

Office: (250) 754-1223

Mobile: (250) 619-9207



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