community: Old ratings are gone. New rating system to come!
- 10/20/07 09:15 AM
As many have noticed, we removed the ability for our members to rank posts based on a 1-5 score. We decided to do this for three reasons. Very few members used it.Not effective due to lack of use.Confusing. (is 1 best, or is 5 best) Instead of a 5 point scoring system, we are moving to a one point scoring system. Press the "Share" button, and that's a "1"... don't press it, and it's a "0". The "Share" button does the following: Give's the post a "thumbs up" rating. Saves the post to your <publicly viewable> "shared folder". Adds your name to (72 comments)
community: What AR means to it's members
- 09/30/07 08:32 PM
I read a comment left by Missy Caulk yesterday that has had a profound impact on me. "I kept having dreams ( seriously ) about AR selling to Homegain. Now anything with r dot com, et a nightmare !" AR has always been significant and deeply meaningful to me, as it is the culmination of much of my life's work (and likewise for Matt). I knew (and have greatly hoped) people like AR, I just didn't grasp until more recently how significant it is to them. (40 comments)
community: Our Commitment to ActiveRain Members
- 09/27/07 11:34 AM
Back in April we drafted a blog post titled, "ActiveRain’s Weltanschauung". The philosophies in this "living" document are things that ActiveRain members can count on. We took the creation of this document very seriously. It was created to act somewhat like a bill of rights, for our members. As long as the ActiveRain community is alive and vibrant these philosophies will be honored. That is not something that we are willing to compromise on. Our members are the core of our existence, the guiding light by which our decisions are made. We deeply respect that relationship. Please read through the Weltanschauung again, (44 comments)